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Writing the general argument

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1 Writing the general argument
AP Test is May 13, 2015 *tick, tock*

2 What is it? You will be presented with some kind of an idea/concept/belief This will be imbedded in a short (1 line to a couple of paragraphs) reading passage DO NOT confuse this with the rhetorical reading passage

3 Design “contemporary issues” questions “values” question
What are your values? What do you think our society should value? What should a moral, thoughtful, reflective society consider its most important strengths?

4 The Prompt Set up by a brief passage from fiction, poetry, or nonfiction 2 lines-half a page Read the statement and then ADQ Agree Disagree Qualify – I think some of what has been said is both correct and incorrect. (DANGER!)

5 Past Prompts How do blogs and radio talk shows encourage or discourage the democratic process? How could the United States’ wealth be better used to foster development in countries just beginning to emerge into the technological age? Does society pry too much into the lives of its citizens? Can money purchase justice rather than have it impartially determined?

6 GA Steps Identify the claim Record your immediate reaction:
Read the passage and underline anything that clearly defines the claim Restate claim in your own words Record your immediate reaction: For Against Ambivalent Make a list of viable examples Anecdotes Specific Details Examples Explanation Descriptions Quotes

7 Creating a Sample List Generate a list of works/experiences you can draw upon when considering your argument: Books Movies Television Current events History lessons Personal experiences (DANGER!)

8 Example Americans more than any other culture in the world have an obsession for wealth. Americans, in essence have made money their highest goal.

Basic Essay Structure Identify/restate the fundamental claim Announce your position (ADQ) Subsequent paragraphs should discuss the quality and meaning of your examples. Close with a summarizing statement/paragraph. FORMULATE YOUR OPINION. EXPLAIN YOUR EVIDENCE. FINISH YOUR ESSAY.

10 Outline Use Roman numbers and/or bullet points
Does not have to be in complete sentences Provide directions for the content of paper

11 Possible Outline Setups
I. Introduction Paragraph a. Topic sentence (your hook!) b. Thesis (this is only 1 sentence long and sums up what your essay is about) (Once I have read your introduction paragraph I should know exactly what you are going to be writing about. There should be no surprises within your essay that take you off the topics that you have listed above.) II. Body Paragraph 1 a. Topic sentence b. Concrete detail #1(this is your example/fact) c. Commentary (this is your explanation of the concrete detail and how it relates to your thesis/topic) d. Concrete detail #2 (this is your example/fact) e. Commentary (this is your explanation of the concrete detail and how it relates to your thesis/topic) f. Anchor sentence (fuses your paragraph to thesis)

12 Possible Outline Setups
III. Conclusion Paragraph a. Topic Sentence Restate thesis statement (Try to flip flop the wording. DO NOT restate it word for word) b. Cover your main points from your body paragraphs. c. Write a final statement about your topic that sums up what your essay was about. Try to make this a profound statement that will leave your reader in ‘awe’ of your essay.

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