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Upcoming, Important Dates:

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Presentation on theme: "Upcoming, Important Dates:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Upcoming, Important Dates:
10/24/2017 Upcoming, Important Dates: Add these dates to your agenda, as they apply to you: THIS WEEK: Tue. (10/24) – Chick-fil-A Spirit Night – 5-8 Austell Rd. Wed. (10/25) – Manformation Hat/Jeans Day - $1 each Fri. (10/27) – Renaissance (Honor Roll Celebration) - Second Biblionasium Review Due - Third Independent Reading Notes ½ Sheet due – Costume Dance – 4:30-6:00 – Costumes AFTER school only NEXT WEEK: TBA If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts – Warm Up 10/24/17
Types of Hooks – I.A.N. p Return to add the remaining “Types of Hooks” to your I.A.N. pages Then, write what is written in pink ink below: Hook: An opening sentence or two that grabs the reader’s interest and introduces the general topic of the essay Examples of Hooks: (I.A.N. p. 104) An anecdote A surprising statement A strong opinion (HIGHLIGHT STRONG OPINION) A quote Historical information

A Strong Opinion: When the writer gives such a strong opinion, that the reader can’t help but notice the passion behind the words! Your strong opinion should declare how you feel loudly and strongly! Don’t be wishy-washy or straddle the fence. That means, choose a side and stay there… do not change your mind later. Your opinion should be evident all throughout your essay.

4 Example of hook with a Strong Opinion:
If I wanted to write an informative essay on how to recover from making a mistake: I think that making mistakes are the only way to make successes in life. One comes before the other.

5 Example of a STRONG OPINION hook:
Teachers who fail to take their students on worthwhile field trips should be fired! I mean, seriously, how is anyone suppose to participate in 20 years of learning and not have interactive experiences with the world outside the classroom walls? How can students learn to function from just reading books and taking notes? Field trips bring reality to our lessons and make school exciting!

6 What’s in between the hook and the thesis?
Teachers who fail to take their students on worthwhile field trips should be fired! I mean, seriously, how is anyone suppose to participate in 20 years of learning and not have interactive experiences with the world outside the classroom walls? How can students learn to function from just reading books and taking notes? Field trips bring reality to our lessons and make school exciting! I’m elaborating on the hook and giving background information for my essay!

7 Language Arts – Warm Up 10/24/17
Types of Hooks – I.A.N. p Return to add the remaining “Types of Hooks” to your I.A.N. pages Then, write what is written in pink ink below: Hook: An opening sentence or two that grabs the reader’s interest and introduces the general topic of the essay Examples of Hooks: (I.A.N. p. 104) An anecdote A surprising statement A strong opinion A quote (HIGHLIGHT QUOTE) Historical information

A QUOTE: When a writer uses the words of another to help illustrate a point Your quote should be unusual, funny, or obscure (unknown). Don’t choose a long quote. Your quote should have a meaning you plan to reveal to the reader as the essay progresses. Remember to use opening and closing quotation marks around your quote.

9 Example of hook with a Quote:
If I wanted to write an informative essay on how to recover from making a mistake: A wise person once said, “A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.”

10 You Try! Practice writing a QUOTE hook.
“I will go around the space shuttle and give a guided tour of the major areas and describe what is done in each area. This will be called The Ultimate Field Trip.” Science teacher Christa McAuliffe was taking the concept of field trips to a new dimension aboard the Challenger spaceship. Her students would be in their classroom, but she could show real time video of her trip in space. Field trips bring reality to our lessons and make school exciting!

11 What’s in between the hook and the thesis?
“I will go around the space shuttle and give a guided tour of the major areas and describe what is done in each area. This will be called The Ultimate Field Trip.” Science teacher Christa McAuliffe was taking the concept of field trips to a new dimension aboard the Challenger spaceship. Her students would be in their classroom, but she could show real time video of her trip in space. Field trips bring reality to our lessons and make school exciting! I’m elaborating on the hook and giving background information for my essay!

12 Language Arts – Work Session 10/24/17
Essential Question: How can I effectively write a personal incident about change and develop a personal narrative? Standard: ELASE6L1.b – Use intensive pronouns (ex.: myself, ourselves). Learning Targets: Define the concept of change through the reading of a narrative. Apply understanding of narrative elements to reading and writing.

13 Language Arts – Work Session 10/24/17
Introduction a. Hook b. Necessary or background info c. Thesis Statement Body Paragraphs – There are three (or more). A. Topic Sentence Supporting Details B. Topic Sentence C. Topic Sentence Conclusion a. Restate Thesis b. Restate main points c. Clincher Statement

14 Language Arts – Work Session 10/24/17
Narrative Writing – Rough Draft Break-out Groups If you did not finish any of the following items, you will sit in an isolated area until you complete them: S.B. pages 36-38, questions 1, 4, & 5 Your memory map Your rough draft If you did finish your rough draft, you will complete peer editing. We will be in the Sixth Grade Computer Lab tomorrow to type our narrative essays. If you do not finish your essay, you will not be on a computer until you do finish it.

15 Language Arts – Work Session 10/24/17
Peer Editing - Break-out Groups Steps for peer editing: First, assign roles using the laminated cards. You will rotate papers, but maintain the same card for all papers. Example: If you are checking the introduction, you will check the introduction for all papers. Once you’ve written your comments someone else’s paper, then score that person’s paper with the full-page rubric stapled on the back of it. Once all papers have been rotated, you will score that paper with the rubric. Be sure to highlight a box for each of the three categories (ideas, structure, and use of language). Remember, a person can only receive one score for each of those three boxes.

16 Language Arts – Closing Session 10/24/17
Independent Reading You should be on your THIRD book of this school year, at least. Your next Biblionasium book review will be due THIS Friday, October 27, 2017. Be sure that you have completed your book before Friday, October 27, 2017! Homework: Complete your narrative edits and/or your rough draft.

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