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The Race by Oklahoma Artist Charles Banks Wilson.

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2 The Race by Oklahoma Artist Charles Banks Wilson.
Unit 4 Territorial Days The Race by Oklahoma Artist Charles Banks Wilson.

3 E.P McCabe and the Black State The Sequoyah Convention
Chapter 16 Statehood Twin Territories Statehood Convention E.P McCabe and the Black State The Indian State The Sequoyah Convention The Hamilton Bill

4 Statehood African-American Immigration The Enabling Act
Chapter 16 Statehood African-American Immigration The Enabling Act The Constitutional Convention State Constitution Jim Crowism A Progressive Constitution Statehood

5 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Trace the movement toward statehood, including efforts for statehood for each of the territories as separate states, efforts for a state for blacks, efforts for a state for Indians, and efforts for both of the territories as a single state. What were the various ideas put forth for statehood – from 1892 to 1907? Identify E.P. McCabe. Describe the Sequoyah Convention as to: where it was held; when it was held; who was elected president of the convention; how the vice-president was elected (name the candidates and their tribes)

Why was the Oklahoma Constitution considered “progressive”? When did Oklahoma become a state? Who was President of the United States at that time? Who was the first governor of Oklahoma?

7 E. P. McCabe

8 Chief Pleasant Porter And Wife

9 Oklahoma’s most colorful governor was William H. “Alfalfa Bill” Murray
Oklahoma’s most colorful governor was William H. “Alfalfa Bill” Murray. His office was in a log cabin in Tishomingo.

10 Fred S. Barde photographed the Constitutional Convention in Guthrie in February The Oklahoma Constitution was considered “progressive” when it was adopted.

11 Statehood for Oklahoma brought prohibition
Statehood for Oklahoma brought prohibition. A photographer immortalized the dumping of thousands of barrels of illegal liquor after the constitution became the law of the land.


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