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L12. Network optimization

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1 L12. Network optimization
D. Moltchanov, TUT, Fall 2017 D. Moltchanov, TUT, Spring 2008

2 Why do we need to know more?

3 Analysis vs. dimensioning
Forward task Analyze system What is the delay, packet loss, throughput, given Link rate Buffer space Routing matrix Specific protocols Inverse task Optimize system What link rates, buffer space, routing weights, given Arriving traffic Packet loss rate Delay

4 Example: buffer dimensioning
We have output-queuing router Question: how much buffer is needed at port j We know internal routing, pij, i=1,2,..,N, j=1,2,…,M We know arrival traffic on all the links, λi, i=1,2,…,N We know outgoing rates, Cj, j=1,2,…,M

5 Example: buffer dimensioning
We may consider port j in isolation M/M/1 is a good model Performance metric: mean delay Mean delay for M/M/1 is given by (recalling that ρ = λ/µ) where µ is the average service rate where E[P] is the average packet size

6 Example: buffer dimensioning
Performance response Could analyze M/M/1/K estimating loss But… how do we know arriving traffic, link rates, routing?

7 Example: buffer dimensioning
Let’s revisit our assumptions… We know outgoing rates, Cj, j=1,2,…,M??? We only know it when the network is already planned and installed Should there be a link between two routers? If yes, what should be its rate? We know internal routing, pij, i=1,2,..,N, j=1,2,…,M??? Only if someone already assigned weights to OSPF (or IS-IS) Internal routing = generic OSPF view of the network We know arrival traffic on all the links , λi, i=1,2,…,N??? If traffic demands are known… Who is going to do this for us?

8 Generic solution Formulate constraints Capacity constraints
Demand constraints Specific constraints of protocols/algorithms Write down objective function Maximize network throughput Minimize network cost Minimize network delay Solve using optimization techniques Classify Solve using well-known methods

9 Optimization problems
Depends on the nature of involved variables Linear programming Simplex algorithm Interior point algorithm Convex programming Linearization Method of Lagrange multipliers Method of gradients Integer programming Continuitization Branch-and-cut/branch-and-bound algorithms Heuristic methods, e.g., genetic algorithms

10 Problems Dimensioning problems: minimize network cost given
Set of demands Each can be routed over different paths Shortest-path routing: two problems Given link weights find shortest paths Given a network with links find the optimal weights Fair network problem: given greedy traffic Allocate available resources among demands Topological design: minimize network cost given Cost of links (no links are given) Restoration design: optimize network given Possible failures Multi-layer networks

11 Very simple example

12 Toy example Link-demand-path-identifier-based formalization 
Compact Allows to list only necessary objects Good for moderate-to-large networks Seem strange for small networks at the first glance though… 1. Start with demands Enumerate from 1 to D Only those that are non-zero Three nodes example Demand (1->2): demand ID 1 Demand (1->3): demand ID 2 Demand (2->3): demand ID 3 We have d=1,2,3 demands In general: d=1,2,..,D demands

13 Toy example 2. Continue with links Three nodes example
Enumerate from 1 to E Only those that exist Three nodes example Link 1->2: link ID 1 Link 1->3: link ID 2 Link 2->3: link ID 3 We have e=1,2,3 links In general e=1,2,…,E links Can perform mapping of Demand volumes Link capacities

14 Toy example 3. Continue with candidate paths for demand
There could be more than one Enumerate from 1 to Pd for demand d Note! paths have to be found prior to the solution of the task Example: demand pair (1->2) ID 1 There exist two paths, P1= 2 These are 1-2, 1-3-2 Path 1-2: path ID 1 Path 1-3-2: path ID 2

15 Toy example Finish with path-flow variables Demand ID: first index
Path ID for demand: second index

16 Toy example The allocation task now reads as
Minimize routing cost (routing over each link costs 1 unit) subject to demands constraints and capacity constraints and positivity constraints

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