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Acid Deposition.

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Presentation on theme: "Acid Deposition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acid Deposition

2 Acid Rain

3 Acid deposition is a term that includes all processes by which acidic components as precipitates or gases leave the atmosphere. There are two main types of acid deposition: Wet acid deposition: rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog, mist, dew fall to the ground as aqueous precipitates. Dry acid deposition: acidifying particles, gases fall to the ground as dust and smoke, and later dissolve in water to form acids. Acid Deposition

4 Sulfur oxides

5 Nitrogen Oxides

6 Acid deposition

7 Effects of acid deposition

8 Effects of acid deposition

9 Effects of acid deposition

10 Effects of acid deposition

11 Responses to acid deposition
Many governments have responded with measures aimed to reduce the emissions of nitrogen and sulfur oxides. Responses to acid deposition

12 Responses to acid deposition

13 Responses to acid deposition

14 Responses to acid deposition

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