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What Do the Part B 618 Table 6 Data Tell Us?

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Presentation on theme: "What Do the Part B 618 Table 6 Data Tell Us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Do the Part B 618 Table 6 Data Tell Us?

2 X APR and Table 6 of 618 – Trail of History
APR (looks a lot like Table 6) SPP (new format) SEPARATE 04-05 Table 6 APR Table 6 attached! X

3 Why Is This Important? Table 6 Provides the Backbone to APR Indicator 3 Clear Picture of Participation and Performance in States National Summary by Content, Type of Assessment, and Grade

4 What do the data tell us? We know how difficult your job as data managers can be!!!

5 Participation More SWDs take regular assessments in elementary than in MS and HS Fewer SWDs take alternate assessments 41% (Reading) to 45% (Math) of SWDs take the regular assessment with accommodations Participation Rates are nearly identical for both content areas (Math and Reading)


7 Performance As grade increases, fewer SWDs are proficient on regular assessments The percentage of SWDS proficient on alternate assessments and out of level tests remains fairly constant In 5 states more than 1% of ALL students are proficient on an alternate assessment More students are proficient in reading than in math as grade level progresses



10 Alternate Assessments
Grade Level Achievement Standards Participation (n=10 states): Math 8.1%, Read 8.5% Range: 0.0% to 20.7% Performance (n=9 states): Math 5.5%, Read 6.1% Range: 0.0% to 18.2% Alternate Achievement Standards Participation (n=50): ES 8.8%, MS 9.6%, HS 9.8% Range: < 1% to > 60% Performance (n=48): ES 4.6%, MS 5.0%, HS 5.8% Range: < 0.3% to > 30%

11 Annual Performance Reports (APRs)
Participation: 97% for both content areas across grades (By grade-level not available) Analysis of 40 states who had adequate data (30 of these met their target for part.) Proficiency: Math: 36%, Reading: 38% Analysis of 32 states who had adequate data (16 of these met their target for perf.) States setting lower targets “Met” them

12 Questions; Comments Martha Thurlow,
Jason Altman, NCEO “online”,

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