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Presentation on theme: "Mechanoreceptors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mechanoreceptors

2 Mechanoreceptors - Mechanoreceptors are stimulated by mechanical compression or stretch at the receptor or surrounding tissues. - Found in skin for sensing contact with physical world. -Found in bladder, blood vessels, heart, digestive .organs, and teeth to sense pressure - Mechanoreceptors are innervated by myelineated axons.

3 Mechanoreceptors :Receptors can be classified according to the type of stimulus into 1-Tocuh receptors in the skin which are stimulated by light mechanical stimuli. 2-Pressure receptors in the subcutaneous tissues which are stimulated by deep mechanical stimuli. 3-Stretch receptors in the skeletal muscles, lungs, right atrium, urinary bladder, stomach, intestine and rectum. 4-Joint receptors which send information about the position and movement of the of the joint. 5- Auditory receptors which are stimulated by sound waves

4 Types of Mechanoreceptors

5 Types of Mechanoreceptors
Sensation encoded Nerve fiber Location Adaptation Type Vibration , pressure A-delta Subcutaneous Very rapidly Vibration , light touch Dermis (Nonhairy skin ) Rapidly Movement of hair A –delta Hairy skin Stretch,joint rotation Dermis(hairy), Ligament, tendon Slowly Light touch Epidermis (nonhairy skin)

6 DONE BY: Fahad Tami Alzahrani 430102544

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