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Learning: Belief is key!

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Presentation on theme: "Learning: Belief is key!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning: Belief is key!
Mindsets & Actions

2 How the brain works

3 What does this mean? When we learn, we create new pathways in the brain. We become good at what we choose to do. Natural talent exists, but it only takes you so far. It is possible to change beliefs and ways of thinking by replacing them with competing beliefs.

4 Real Life Examples This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Michael Jordan-Did not make his high school basketball team. What was his response? J.K. Rowling-Fell into hard times, developing depression. How did she respond? Albert Einstein-Flunked math in high school

5 How beliefs affect the brain

6 What does this mean? Literally just believing that you can get smarter will help you get smarter. Beliefs affect actions. Actions form habits. Habits create success.

7 Real Life Examples

8 A tale of two Mindsets This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA

9 What can you do? Start with conscious thoughts
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

10 What else? Give your brain what it needs to function
Water. Fruits and Vegetables (nutrients!!). Protein. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

11 Anything else? Yes!! Pay attention to how you are feeling.
Techniques for getting out of the downward spiral

12 That’s all good, but…how does this help me in chemistry?
We learned that learning is like a workout for your brain. Let’s examine what happens when Jack, Jacob, and Jim go to the gym. They are all wanting to enter a strength competition. Jack wants to learn how to workout. He watches people workout. Jacob wants to learn how to workout. He just jumps in and works out. Jim wants to learn how to workout. He hires a trainer. The trainer shows him what to do, then corrects him if he does something wrong. Who wins the strength competition? What sort of activities should you do to help learn chemistry? What about if you get frustrated or stuck?

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