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Philosophy “Lover of Wisdom” Areas of Study: Nature of the world

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Presentation on theme: "Philosophy “Lover of Wisdom” Areas of Study: Nature of the world"— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosophy “Lover of Wisdom” Areas of Study: Nature of the world
Reasons for existence Support ideas with logical arguments

2 Legacies of the Greco-Roman World
Rationalism Philosophy, science and History Humanism Truth, art and athletics Inherent Order Natural law, physics and taxonomy Politics Government, civic responsibility and democracy

3 Socratic Philosophers (470-322 BCE) “Truth and reality are absolute”
“The unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates Truth is in the mind but hidden by false impressions You can only know the truth through inquiry

4 Socratic Method Questions to stimulate the mind!
Discover the underlying truth or belief Play the “Devil’s advocate” Questions got him in a heap of trouble: Questioned status quo Charged with corrupting youth Executed

5 Plato Student of Socrates “Ideal Forms” Reality behind appearances
“True, Good, and Beauty” The Allegory of the Cave: Imagination Belief Understanding Leadership A “philosopher king”

6 The Republic Plato’s vision of a perfectly governed society
Not a democracy 3 groups: Farmers and artisans Warriors Ruling class Greatest intellect and insight from ruling class = the Philosopher King

7 Aristotle Student of Plato
Original Renaissance Man: hands in everything Math, Science, natural world Golden Mean Perfect balance and moderation Logic and Evidence Key to happiness and knowledge Inductive reasoning Observed many examples and found an underlying principle

8 Hellenistic Philosophers (340 BCE)
Epicureans knowledge originates and stops in the senses pleasure is the sole good and that pain is the sole evil man must moderate himself in reference to these desires But, eating an entire cake would make you sick. That’s evil. Cake is yummy!

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