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The JISC Journal Usage Statistics Portal (JUSP)

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Presentation on theme: "The JISC Journal Usage Statistics Portal (JUSP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The JISC Journal Usage Statistics Portal (JUSP)

2 What is JUSP? aims to support libraries in analyzing use of their e-journal collections provides a "one-stop shop" for libraries to view and download their usage reports from NESLi2 publishers freely available and value added service to the current NESLi2 offering

3 Who?

4 Benefits for libraries
offers a single point of access to usage data and avoids the need to visit multiple publisher sites quickly and easily compare usage across various publishers, years and NESLi deals includes data from gateways and hosts such as Swets to provide a truer picture of usage

5 Vital statistics 33 libraries loaded + 26 in progress 6 publishers
3 gateways and host intermediaries > 10 million records April 2010 – December 2011

6 Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI)
implementing the SUSHI protocol, which is a machine to machine way of gathering usage statistics from publisher websites few organisations that have implemented SUSHI so work is pioneering

7 SUSHI server developed a SUSHI server that enables libraries to download their stats from the portal

8 JUSP website developed a SUSHI server that enables libraries to download their stats from the portal

9 JR1 & JR1A reports

10 JR1 reports excluding backfiles
JR1 excluding backfile usage

11 SCONUL returns

12 Tables & graphs

13 Which titles have the highest use?

14 strong support for a feature to enable libraries to benchmark

15 an important use of the portal is to identify nil use of titles
lack of use or titles not being fully available through the publisher Money, rights, access, service Nil use

16 Questions & issues Questions re: data
aggregation process involves a check on the data good example of the impact JUSP can have Questions & issues

17 "We recognise the importance of this type of data collection in helping the community improve their digital management decision making process and welcome the opportunity to contribute." "Swets is delighted to support JISC with data for use within their usage statistics portal. Librarians require up-to-date, thorough and reliable information on the usage of their collections to help make informed collection decisions and we look forward to supporting all JISC customers with the information they need to remain in complete control of their holdings." Support for JUSP

18 Next steps adding more publishers and implementing SUSHI more widely start to add more libraries in the new year including more value added services such as the inclusion of numbers of FTEs expanding the number of reports we make available. Next steps

19 Contact Contact
You can log into the portal via your central university username to view dummy data if your institution isn’t currently participating

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