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Making Light(er) Work Multiple Managers with Multiple Student Workers

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Presentation on theme: "Making Light(er) Work Multiple Managers with Multiple Student Workers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Light(er) Work Multiple Managers with Multiple Student Workers
Nicole Sanderson Senior Instructional Designer Before start, reset Qualtrics survey

2 What We’ll Cover Our situation Your situation Our challenges
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 What We’ll Cover Our situation Your situation Our challenges Your challenges Our solution Project/task assignment Communication Training Recruiting Our new challenges Your Solutions

3 Our Student Workers Boston University Office of Distance Education
12/8/2018 Our Student Workers Our student workers, Rohil, Cay, Julie, and Shraddha. Rohil and Shraddha work with the Instructional Designers, Cay and Julie with media.

4 Our Student Workers Overall department = 31
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Our Student Workers Overall department = 31 2 Media Producers  2 Student Workers 12 Instructional Designers  2-4 Student Workers Moving on to poll: Survey will ask the question in two ways so we can get both a comparison and an average

5 Poll *Same questions will be asked in two ways
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Poll Survey will ask the question in two ways so we can get both a comparison and an average *Same questions will be asked in two ways

6 Poll Boston University Office of Distance Education
12/8/2018 Poll Why do we have student workers?

7 Our Story Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018
Why do we have student workers?

8 Challenges How do we track progress? How do we prioritize tasks?
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Challenges How do we track progress? How do we prioritize tasks? How are they trained? In general, these were the challenges we were facing having multiple managers If there were a system where the IDs could be more in contact with the student workers directly

9 Your Challenges Boston University Office of Distance Education
12/8/2018 Your Challenges Hear more about your challenges, both having multiple managers and student workers in general. How many have used Padlet?

10 Your Challenges
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Your Challenges

11 Boston University Office of Distance Education
12/8/2018 Our Solution

12 Plan A Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018
BACKGROUND – why we have student workers Media had student workers – what they did Our situation/What I wanted student workers to do I asked for student workers I got four Everything got channeled through me I made assignments I decided priorities I got copied on all s to ID they were working with I did the training I had no free time

13 A great virtue of programming… and student worker management
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Laziness: A great virtue of programming… and student worker management BACKGROUND – why we have student workers

14 Boston University Office of Distance Education
12/8/2018 Plan B

15 Our Solution: Project Tracking
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Our Solution: Project Tracking Google doc with columns for… Each student worker has a tab Their schedules are at the top

16 Our Solution: Task Tracking
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Our Solution: Task Tracking 5pm Tracks where students are in course setup

17 Our Solution: Communication
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Our Solution: Communication 5pm Tracks where students are

18 Media Team’s Solution: Project/Task Tracking
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Media Team’s Solution: Project/Task Tracking Media used to use Assana in a similar way

19 Media Team’s Solution: Project/Task Tracking
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Media Team’s Solution: Project/Task Tracking They now use Trello. It’s more visual and allows them to categorize tasks

20 Media Team’s Solution: Communication
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Media Team’s Solution: Communication They also communicate through it, where we mostly communicate through the “Notes” field and over

21 Boston University Office of Distance Education
12/8/2018 Testimonial - Manager “The best thing about working with multiples is that training is less of a burden – we can share it among us and even have the ‘senior’ student worker handle much of the training.” – Fawn, Instructional Designer

22 Our Solution - Training
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Our Solution - Training Archana started this training manual that we’ve used ever since. Part of training is having them edit the training manual so it reflects changes in software, blackboard, procedures. This has worked so well I’ve started to use it to train new IDs as well

23 Testimonial – Student Worker
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Testimonial – Student Worker “I thought it was a great way to prepare myself for the workforce post-university. …I also really enjoyed the way students were treated in the office. … I felt like I was a necessary part of the ODE machine and people were happy I was there from the very beginning.” We try to make student workers feel like they’re a part of the team Two have returned as full-time employees, one as a media producer and one as an instructional designer --Summer, Former Student Worker (& Current Colleague!)

24 Our Solution - Recruiting
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Our Solution - Recruiting Friends make the best co-workers, and student workers!

25 Our New Challenges Managers want to know: How many tasks per row?
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Our New Challenges Managers want to know: How many tasks per row? How do we determine emergency level? How do we know about changes in schedule? Students want to know: Can there be a feedback column? Opportunity for more creative work? Even with our new system, we’re still running into challenges We might meet to standardize how we refer to tasks of even create drop-down lists that say things like “clear discussion boards” or “replace with new video player code” Don’t know schedule ahead of time (some people thought they’d be there on spring break), aren’t informed when they’re sick or out for other reasons

26 Plan C Keep online tracking Return of the Point Person!
Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Plan C Keep online tracking Return of the Point Person! Continue to evaluate system

27 Solutions? Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018
Split up into groups, try to have someone from a different institution or at least a different department in your group for a different perspective. Once you’ve come up with some ideas, put them on on the Solutions padlet, and we’ll discuss some of your ideas.

Boston University Office of Distance Education 12/8/2018 Solutions

29 Boston University Office of Distance Education
12/8/2018 Questions?

30 Please take a moment to evaluate this session There are two ways to access the session and presenter evaluations: 1 2 In the online agenda, click on the “Evaluate Session” link From the mobile app, click on the session you want from the schedule > then click the associated resources > and the evaluation will pop up in the list

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