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Teachings of the Living Prophets

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1 Teachings of the Living Prophets
Dale Gunnar Renlund

2 “Three White Utah Males Called to Fill Vacancies in the Twelve”
“New LDS Church apostles are typical upper-middle class white men with no racial or socioeconomic diversity.” “Three White Utah Males Called to Fill Vacancies in the Twelve” “Mormons Select Three New Leaders: More White Bread.” “The Mormon Church Missed An Opportunity To Engage Race, International Diversity.”

3 Being an apostle means…
There is no retirement Cannot attend sporting or cultural events without a bit of fanfare for the rest of your life Weekends are spent on the road for the rest of your life Vacations can only occur in July Each Sunday, sit on the stand and away from your family Publicly age and decline in health until you die

4 Dale Gunnar Renlund His parents were immigrates from Sweden that spoke no English, his first language in his home was Swedish. Moved back to Utah from Sweden when he was 13, he couldn’t speak English when he returned. Mission to Sweden. In his late 20s, called to be the bishop of a newly-formed, inner-city, multi-cultural ward in Baltimore. He spent 5 of the last 6 years in Africa, where he learned French. Heart Surgeon. Director of the Utah Transplantation Affiliated Hospitals Cardiac Transplant Program. April st Quorum of Seventy; October 2015-Quorum of the Twelve (upon the death of Richard G. Scott). 100th Apostle.

5 Sister Renlund was the daughter of a member of the stake presidency, Merlin R. Lybbert, who later served in the Seventy. Dale’s recollection is that he mustered the courage to ask Ruth out on a date, but she said no. When he tried again a few months later, she said yes. Ruth’s version is a little different. She remembers that when he spoke in sacrament meeting about his mission, she was impressed. They got better acquainted, and she was thrilled when he asked her to go on a date, but she was hosting a party that required her to decline. She was pleased to accept when he asked again.

6 “Aside from the decision to be active in the Church, marrying Ruth has been the most amazing thing in my life.” 

7 Sister Renlund became an attorney and president of her law firm.
In October 1981, Sister Renlund was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She underwent two surgeries and nine months of chemotherapy. “I was hurting, and it seemed as if my prayers wouldn’t go heavenward.” To take her mind off the illness, Sister Renlund decided to attend law school. “I just thought, ‘This will only be a bad experience unless we make something good of it. It wasn’t in our plan for me to have cancer as a young woman and have only one child, but we felt like law school was the right thing.” Sister Renlund became an attorney and president of her law firm.



10 Who knows him? Met him? Associated with him?

11 Elder Renlund


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