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Minnesota Driver’s Manual – Chapter 3

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1 Minnesota Driver’s Manual – Chapter 3
Traffic Laws & Vehicle operation

2 Speed Limits The FASTER you drive, the LESS time you have to REACT
CRASHES that occur at FASTER speeds result in more SERIOUS INJURIES and DEATH

3 Speed Limits Minnesota’s Basic Speed Law
Requires you to drive at a speed no faster than is reasonable under existing conditions This includes: weather, traffic, and road conditions

4 Speed Limits It is ILLEGAL to drive FASTER than the POSTED SPEED LIMIT
Exception: On a two lane road with a posted speed limit of 55 mph or higher, the speed limit is increased by 10 mph IF the driver is legally passing another vehicle

5 Speed Limits Some roads will have a posted MINIMUM speed
It is illegal to drive slower than the posted minimum speed limit If you approach an intersection at an ILLEGAL speed, you lose the right-of-way if you would have had it at a legal speed

6 Speed Limits Unless posted signs indicate otherwise, these are common speed limits in Minnesota (under ideal driving conditions): 10 mph – alleys 30 mph – urban or town roads 55 mph – all other highways and roadways

7 Speed Limits Watch for changes in the speed limits. Special locations may have a slower limit School zones – generally when children are present Work zones – the posted limit at the beginning of the works zone and through the work zone is the maximum limit. FINES DOUBLE IN WORK ZONES

8 Speed Limits & Fines You may be ticketed and fined if you drive faster than the posted speed limit Fines increase as the amount you are over the speed limit increases Fines double in construction/work zones If you drive faster than 100 mph your driving privileges will be revoked for a minimum of 6 months

9 Reduced Speed Many circumstances that you encounter will require that you reduce your speed MUST slow down when you approach or pass an emergency vehicle that is stopped with its emergency lights flashing. Move over if possible Slow down and prepare to stop for: Flag person Pedestrians Barricades Flares and reflectors in the road

10 Reduced Speed Slow down for: Narrow and/or winding roads Curves
Hilltops Railroad crossings Poor road conditions Poor weather conditions

11 Speed Limits on Bridges
Watch for and obey posted limits and NO PASSING zones on bridges

12 Signaling When you wish to TURN, CHANGE LANES, PARK, LEAVE A PARKING SPOT, etc. you MUST signal your intentions You MUST signal a turn at least 100 feet before the turn

13 Signaling Hand signals are legal during daylight hours LEFT RIGHT STOP

14 Changing Lanes Lane changing can be DANGEROUS
Often times necessary to make a turn, merge with traffic, etc MUST make sure you have clearance to the: Side Rear Front

15 Changing Lanes S.M.O.G Signal Mirror Over the shoulder Go

16 Changing Lanes Signal Mirrors Turn on your signal well in advance
Signal in the direction you wish to move Lets other drivers know what you want to do Mirrors Check ALL of your mirrors before moving Look for vehicles coming up behind you

17 Changing Lanes Over the shoulder Go
Vehicles can be next to your vehicle but not visible in your mirrors Quickly look over your shoulder, IN THE DIRECTION YOU INTEND TO MOVE Look for vehicles in you blind spot Go If traffic is clear, move over Maintain your speed, DO NOT slow down

18 Blind Spots Areas around your vehicle where your view is obstructed

19 Turns Plan ahead, know where you are going
Slow down well before the turn Signal AT LEAST 100 feet before the turn

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