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Pig Heart Dissection Activity

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1 Pig Heart Dissection Activity
Circulatory System

2 Welcome Surgeons in Training !
During this lab we will be acting as surgeons in training. We will wear the proper equipment (gloves and gowns) We will be performing a surgical scrub on our hands We will follow along with a dissection video and dissect your very own pig heart!

3 Before we begin! Set up your operating room
Clear your desk of everything Cover a large square of your desk with paper towels You will need a dissection tray (OR table) You will need dissection tools I will provide you with your patient (pig heart) Make sure that you are only touching the heart with gloves YES they DO STINK –that is preserving fluid

4 During this activity you will follow proper safety procedures this means
Be careful with any tools that are sharp (they will cut/stab you) Make sure everyone is clear of the area you are cutting before you begin Protect yourself and your partner Absolutely no playing around! If you do you will be asked to leave the activity Keep your area clean (these are you desk don’t get nasty pig juice on them) Clean your desk with a Clorox wipe when we get done AND NO YOU CAN NOT TAKE THE HEART HOME OR OUT OF THE ROOM!

5 Dissection Video Follow along with the video, I will be coming around and helping as your need it. I can also take pictures with your phones that you can use for your portfolios since your hands will be yucky. Please raise your hand if you need assistance Once finished dispose of your heart and supplies in the correct place and remove your gown/gloves, then complete the review questions individually

6 Discussion Questions After cleaning up your OR room, get out a piece of paper Complete the labeling exercise on p. 261 and the matching on p. 262 Turn these in Complete a lab review to add to your portfolios (follow the portfolio instructions)

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