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Preparing For Deputy Headship Day 1
SOUTHWARK DIOCESAN BOARD OF EDUCATION Claire Boag and Roz Cordner Primary Advisers The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Introductions and Welcomes
Introductions You Your school Your career path Applied or not? The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Overview of the Course Selection activities: Collective worship In-tray activity Classroom teaching/ observation Data task Short-listing (as a governor) Presentation Interview The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Exercise 1 Collective Worship
Candidates may be asked to lead worship Activity Observe an act of worship Make notes on the observation form Discuss conclusions The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Exercise 2 In-tray / Written Task
To show ability to handle everyday issues within tight time limits Information can be through a mix of letters, memos, reports, telephone messages, fax, or person to person May include a specific scenario e.g. a letter of complaint from a parent The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Exercise 2 In tray activity (30 minutes)
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Coffee The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Exercise 3 Lesson Observation
Candidates may be asked to teach or to observe a lesson Provides evidence of the candidate's ability to make accurate judgements on teaching / learning Candidates may be asked to give written and/or verbal feedback Candidates may be presented with a classroom observation evidence form or just blank paper The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Improving Declining Moving Cruising Effective Strolling Ineffective Struggling Sinking The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Exercise 4 Data task To test out your ability to understand and interpret data Don’t make assumptions – it might not be this school’s data If it is this school’s data, it might be referred to at interview Read the task carefully Do the “G” pages first The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Exercise 4: Data continued
RAISEonline G pages - check: Attainment at KS1 and KS2 Compared with national Compared with each other Expected progress KS2 Trends over time – rising, up & down, or falling? Gaps between those eligible for pupil premium funding & those who are not Y1 phonics Any groups that are underachieving (check no. of pupils) The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Interaction with Children
Provides evidence of the candidate's ability to act as a leading professional Opportunities may include: leading an act of worship interacting with a mixed-age group of children using a stimulus of candidate’s choice session with the school council Candidates may also be observed teaching within their own school context or the proposed new one The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Lunch The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Analysis of the School Information Pack
What kind of school? What are they looking for? Matching your skills and expertise What are you looking for? Any other evidence? The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Exercise 5 Short Listing
Evaluating the personal statements from a governor’s perspective… Read the other personal statements Using the person specification, decide whether the person has met the criteria to be short listed 40 minutes The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Exercise 5 Short Listing continued…
In pairs, go through your evaluation of the other statements Where you disagree, discuss it further The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Presentations Aimed at assessing: the candidate's understanding of the subject their ability to communicate to the chosen audience who may not understand educational jargon. Presentations can be: Prepared in advance or unseen On a flip chart or with PowerPoint – governors will decide or give you a choice Always keep within the time set The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Presentation – be in control of your material
Should have a structure (introduction, clear progression and conclusion) It should show evidence of being well thought through/prepared Power point, flip charts or handouts should aid communication rather than hinder through being over-elaborate Include evidence based on experience rather than simply lifted from a textbook The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Presentation – be in control of your audience
Capture your audience’s interest Watch your timing/pace, keep within the time set Avoid jargon Address your audience as individuals (eye contact) The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Presentation – be in control of yourself
Do you look right? Use notes (cards?) unobtrusively Speak up and speak slowly Don’t fidget Smile and make eye-contact The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The Interview Conducted by the full appointment panel with LA and Diocesan advisers present Questions will be set to reflect the selection criteria and the school’s needs Be prepared to answer questions about the school’s future development What might you ask? The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The Interview continued…
Points to consider: Try to relax and look confident & ‘warm’ Maintain eye contact but don’t stare Make sure you understand the question (don’t be afraid to ask) Give full answers with examples (not yes or no) but don’t ramble Use points from your experience to illustrate answers The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Common Areas of Questioning
Raising achievement Behaviour and attitudes School self evaluation Working with governors, parents, church and community Leadership styles Improving teaching & learning Inclusion Assessment (AfL, use of data, or without levels) Church school distinctiveness – what’s special? Needs of the school The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Preparing for Day 2 Time to prepare your 10 minute presentation Explain how, as Deputy Headteacher, you would: work with teachers to ensure that all teaching is good or outstanding; and support teachers who are not meeting the required standard You may use PowerPoint, flip chart or other The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Preparing For Deputy Headship Day 2
SOUTHWARK DIOCESAN BOARD OF EDUCATION Claire Boag and Roz Cordner Primary Advisers The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Reflection Reflections on Day 1… What are you still thinking about? How are you feeling about today? The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Exercise 6 The Presentation
Using the marking grid Making the presentations Feedback The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Tea & Coffee The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
Exercise 7 The Interview
In 2 groups: Governor panel Candidates 15 – 20 minutes per person Then swap over Group discussion when everyone has been interviewed The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
When You Are Shortlisted …….
Re-read information provided by the school. Highlight any points that are signalled as important and try to relate these to what you say and ask. Re-read your application. The comment “I see from your application …….” may arise. Plan how to get to the school, leave plenty of travelling time. Remember you are making an impression the minute you are walking through the door. Support staff and teaching staff are often informally ‘canvassed’ for their views. The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
At the School……. Tours by pupils are sometimes used. Ask them what they like about the school, what they would like to see improved, what their aspirations are, how involved they feel in school life. Ask their names and thank them – their views will be sought! If successful, a verbal offer is made by telephone followed by a written job offer. You should then write a letter of acceptance. A contract will be issued some time later. If unsuccessful, take advantage of a debriefing. The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
End of Course Reflection
What am I still thinking of? What next for me? The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education
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