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10th Grade English Wednesday 11 Dec. 2013

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1 10th Grade English Wednesday 11 Dec. 2013
Agenda: Return Blue Symbolism Graphic Organizers Symbolism Intervention for HOW Analysis Revise One Quote Chunk and Analysis H/W: Finish one quote chunk with analysis revision on white handout if you did not have time to finish in class. It is due at the start of class on Thursday. Chapters 9-12 Vocab Test RESCHEDULED DUE TO SNOW/LATE START.

2 Learning Targets I can identify similarities in organization and word choice amongst 4 level 4 examples of analysis. I can use teacher provided stems to reorganize and revise my own analysis. I can revise my analysis to clearly explain how a symbol is developed.

3 Symbolism Intervention Handout
Read the blue example analysis. Circle one word that you see each writer use. Circle other similarities you notice both examples using. Be prepared to share out your thinking. We’ll do this for the red example, too.

4 Symbolism Intervention Handout
Orange Example: please read the orange example and use your Symbolism Grading Scale to determine a score for each example. Please write the score you would give this example in the left margin. Be prepared to share your score and why you gave the writer that score.

5 Symbolism Intervention Handout
Let’s revise! Strive to follow this pattern: Say who’s speaking Chunk of quote Say what it symbolizes Use the word “because” to explain how *Please place your completed handout in the turn-in box when you’re done.

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