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Sixth Debate of the Semester

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1 Sixth Debate of the Semester

2 What do judges do? Call 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Feedback Speaker points
On what you did well On what you can do better Speaker points theoretically Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

3 Four Criteria for BPS-Judging
Role Fulfillment Depth of Analysis Engagement with the other side Rebuttal POI’s Relevant arguments Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

4 Role Fulfilment: The short version
Prime Minister Set up the debate, define the relevant terms, propose measures Deputy Elaborate the arguments of the PM, rebutt arguments of the OppLeader Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

5 Role Fulfilment: The short version
Member of the Government Bring in new arguments or provide sbstantially more analysis on previously mentioned arguments, fundamental principles Rebutt the Deputy Leader of the Opposition Whip Rebuttal, Summarise the debate and show why your side and your team in particular has won. Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

6 Analysis in Context As a Judge, ask yourself:
Analysis is about getting from Point A to Point B Providing a place where Herion addicts can shoot up (Point A) will lead to fewer Heroin addicts (Point B) As a Judge, ask yourself: Has the speaker shown that it works and how? a.k.a. Do I believe him/her? Has the speaker shown that this is important? a.k.a. Do I care? Use this as an example: Statement: The NASA-mission to land on a comet was not a waste of money because TV-Shows about comets are good for our society Analysis: TV-Shows reach children and know how to present stuff in such a way that they will like it. TV-Shows about comets can interest children in science. Therefore more Scientists, Therefore better science Therefore more technological progress/more knowledge/better economy Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

7 Engagement Did the team try to counter rebuttal from the other side? Where they sucessful? Did they offer good rebuttal themselves? Did they offer and take a reasonable number POI’s? How did they deal with them? Where they good POI’s? Did the team identify and use clashes or did they try to dodge them? Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

8 NOT Criteria for BPS-Judging
Personal Knowledge Style Personal convicitions about how to best argue that motion Personal convicitions Personal convicitions about how to best argue that motion Though these might pop up in feedback Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

9 How do you get to a call? Take notes during the debate
Mark out points that were convincing (!) and points that didn’t have enoug analysis (? Or ~) Make a note when a point is disproven by the other side. Whatever helps you remeber the debate Comparative analysis between the teams Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

10 OG OO CO CG How do you get to a call
Did Opening Gov do a good job setting up the debate? Did their proposal make sense? Did they grasp the spirit of the motion? How did they deal with Opening Opposition? Where the arguments of Opening gov or Closing gov more well developped/convinving? Which arguments still stood at the end of the debate? where any of those made by Opening Gov? What about the long diagonal between Opening Gov and Closing Opp? CO CG Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

11 Questions to ask yourself
Did Opening Gov do a good job setting up the debate? Did their proposal make sense? Did they grasp the spirit of the motion? How did they deal with Opening Opposition? Where the arguments of Opening gov or Closing gov more well developped/convinving? Which arguments still stood at the end of the debate, where any of those made by Opening Gov? What about the long diagonal between Opening Gov and Closing Opp? Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

12 Comparing your call with that of the other judges
Reaching a consesus or taking a vote if necessary Verbal adjudication and feedback on the call. Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

13 Or sometimes just feedback
Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

14 Who wants to be a Judge? Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

15 This house would ban technologies which replace human labor.
This House believes that it is sometimes right for the government to restrict freedom of speech This House believes we're too late on global climate change Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

16 15 minutes Prep Time Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

17 MOTION Der Debating Club an der Universität St.Gallen

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