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Orientation to Spanish 4

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1 Orientation to Spanish 4

2 Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!
Contact information Phone: /04 Website: Office Hours: Tues & Thurs before school at 7:00am after school until 3:00pm Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!

3 SPN 4 Class description This class is a continuation of SPN 1, 2, & 3. It is taught at a quicker pace and works with more difficult grammar structures. This is an honor’s class and it will be difficult at times. Come prepared to learn and practice during class and make sure that you put forth the effort OUTSIDE of class as well. We’ll be touching on language, culture, and literature in this course. It should be a lot of fun.

4 Grades & Assessments Participation (15%)
Homework & practice work (10%) Tests (25%) Quizzes (15%) Projects & presentations (15%) Midterm / Final Exam (20%)

5 ¡No íngles! Participation grades will be determined by your regular active participation in Spanish (avoidance of English). Be considerate of your classmates – listen when they are talking and be prepared to work in pairs. STAY ON TASK; AT NO TIME IS IT ACCEPTABLE TO BEGIN CHATTING IN ENGLISH.

6 ¿Entregar la tarea tarde?
Late assignments deducted 50%. Late work will be accepted up until the day of the chapter test. Projects and presentations will NOT be accepted late. Absent on day of test/quiz???? You will have one week to make up the assessment. Make-ups should be scheduled before or after school with teacher.

7 ¿Ausente? Be here. It’s hard to keep up in Spanish if you miss a lot of days. If you are absent, follow these steps: Get notes from an “amigo”. Check the class calendar on website for assignments and calentamiento. Check in hand-out folder to see if you missed any hand-outs. Talk to me about any tests/quizzes/assignments you need to turn in or make-up.

8 Crédito adicional Hall / Bathroom passes. 5 each semester.
Unused passes turned in for 5 additional pts. each. Extra-curricular / cultural opportunities. Assignments as posted throughout the year.

9 Deshonestidad académica
It’s ok to work with people but answers need to be your own. Don’t give your answers away – both people will receive a 0. NO TRANSLATORS – use a dictionary so you aren’t tempted. There are many in the classroom. Read/sign the translator sheet.

10 ipads Bring them! Points will be taken away for those who do not come prepared with their ipad. Use them only for Spanish & classroom purposes. Make sure they are in their cases and on your desk when we are not using them.

11 ¿Cómo? You’ll be hearing a lot of Spanish this year.
You are NOT expected to understand every word or even a majority of the words. You’re simply becoming used to the sounds of the language. That’s how you started learning English (or other native language).

12 Pero lo hicimos ayer… In a foreign language class, there is much repetition. Every day we’ll be reviewing some things as well as adding new material. Everyone learns at a different pace. If you’ve already mastered something we are reviewing, go along with it anyway. In a few minutes we’ll get to something harder.

13 ¿Podemos...? Students often have good suggestions. Tell me about them after class. Be as specific as possible. If you volunteer to help with the idea, that’s even better.

14 Necesitas 3-ringed binder (1 big one or two small ones)
Notebook (specifically for Spanish) Folder with pocket (specifically for Spanish) Due Friday, September 5th for grade.

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