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Ms. Culp – World History August 31, 2012 – FRIDAY!

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Culp – World History August 31, 2012 – FRIDAY!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Culp – World History August 31, 2012 – FRIDAY!
Grab your spiral or a piece of paper from the back Take your seat Begin work, in your spiral, on the warm-up silently Warm-up: If you were to invent a written language would you make it based on lines and letters or would you make it based on pictures? Why?

2 Reminders/Housekeeping
When you walk into this classroom on Tuesday you need to be in compliance with ONE of the following: 1. have $0.50 in your hand, 2. have a blue folder and a spiral of your choice in your hand or 3. have a blue folder and a spiral of your choice in the appropriate crate If you do not, I will take 5 points from the first test grade for every day that you do not have your needed supplies! Remember that I am on Twitter! And I have a Weebly! @MsCulpNHS There is NO SCHOOL on Monday! 

3 7 Characteristics of Civilization
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

4 Indus River Valley Indus River Plain Social Structure Technology
What two rivers? What disadvantage? Social Structure Caste system Technology Inventions?

5 Egypt!

6 Egypt! Nile River Valley Disadvantages: The Nile River Delta
The Nile River and the Mediterranean Sea The Nile is the longest river in the world! The Nile, while it does flood annually, it does do like clockwork – same time every single year Disadvantages: Surrounded by desert, they were isolated The Nile River Delta A DELTA is a large marshy area that forms a triangle at the mouth of a river – very fertile

7 Egypt

8 Egypt Social Structure Slave-based society
Unlike the Indus River caste system, you could move up One ruler – PHARAOH: god-kings The Egyptians thought that their kings, or pharaohs, were actually gods and worshipped them They also believed that the pharaohs could rule after death and that their Ka, or spirit, needed a home so they built the PYRAMIDS We are going to look more at this on Tuesday when we work with mummies and the afterlife…

9 Egypt

10 Egypt Stable Food Supply Religion
Like all of our River Valley Civilizations, the Egyptians were farmers Religion Very complex POLYTHEISTIC religion Pharaohs were gods and there were gods (more than 2,000!) for all aspects of life A trinity: the most important gods were Ra, god of sun, Horus, god of light and Isis, goddess of motherhood A very strong belief in a rich afterlife

11 Egypt Government Writing
Theocracy – the pharaohs were religious figures The pharaohs were absolute kings – total control Writing Hieroglyphics! They were small pictures, which not only represented ideas (what was pictured) but also sounds (like letters) First wrote on stone and clay tablets but invented PAPYRUS – one of the first instances of paper Papyrus is a reed that they would split and mash and dry

12 Egypt

13 Hieroglyphic Typewriter
Egypt Hieroglyphic Typewriter

14 Egypt Technology Papyrus
Building techniques – the pyramids, obelisks, the lighthouse at Alexandria, the Sphinx Improvement of the sail Advancements in medicine Beds! Piercings, tattoos, wigs Electricity (just a theory)

15 Egypt

16 Egypt Inside the Pyramids

17 Walk Like An Egyptian, The Bangles
Egypt Ticket Out Give 2 reasons why having a writing system that is made of pictures which only represent concepts can lead to the death of that writing form. Explain. Walk Like An Egyptian, The Bangles

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