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Welcome to Math! Ms. Balaschak (Ms. B) Education:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Math! Ms. Balaschak (Ms. B) Education:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Math! Ms. Balaschak (Ms. B) Education:
B.S., Bowling Green State University M. Ed., Arizona State University Visit our classroom page on the KMS website for more information

2 Principles of Algebra Number Sense Ratios, Rates and Percent
Unit of Measure Algebraic Thinking Equations and Inequalities Integers Area 3-D Figures Statistical Thinking

3 Communication

4 Class Syllabi Syllabi for all 6th grade courses are available on the 6th grade team website:

5 Grading Policies Grade Distribution 80% Mastery (i.e. tests, quizzes…)
20% Practice (i.e. classwork) Homework Nightly expectation: Math: 20 minutes Language Acquisition: 30 minutes Sciences: 10 minutes Individuals and Societies: As necessary

6 If you are unable to visit the booth today, you can always contact
Parent Vue Parent Vue provides a digital opportunity for parents and guardians to monitor their student’s grades, missing assignments, attendance and tardies in real time. In order to gain access to Parent Vue, you will need an access code. Please visit the Parent Vue booth in the MPR to get your code today! If you are unable to visit the booth today, you can always contact Ms Judi Winiarski in our front office through or phone. Her is . Her phone number is

7 Restroom Policies Before school and during lunch students may utilize the restrooms in the gym lobby Between classes, students may utilize the restrooms in the grade level buildings During class, with the permission of their teacher, and a pass, students may use the restrooms in the grade level buildings Students will be issued a restroom pass on the first day of classes. Upon filling their pass, students will be issued a new pass only when returning the original pass with a parent signature. Unless in the case of emergency, students will not be permitted to use the restroom during the first and last 10 minutes

8 Hallway Flow Students will be expected to follow a flow of traffic in each of the F, G and H buildings. These practices are in place in order to provide a safer and more efficient flow for students to manage their movement from classroom to classroom and exiting the building. Stickers on the floor will help guide student flow and where to line up for their class.

9 Cell Phones, Food and Drink… OH MY!
This year at KMS, we will: Keep our cell phones on silent during our time on campus Keep our cell phones inside our backpacks at all times during our time on campus Only use our cell phones when directed by teachers for educational purposes Bring our lunches to school or have them dropped off by parents or guardians in the office. Commercial food service deliveries will not be accepted on campus. Bring water to drink when on campus. Starbucks, Dutch Bros, Dunkin’ Donuts or any other food/snack items must be consumed prior to arrival on campus.

10 Student Supplies 5 3-Prong Pocket Folders
Math: Yellow Language Acquisition: Red Sciences: Green Individuals and Societies: Blue World Language: Purple 5 composition notebooks, 1 per class 1” or larger 3-Ring Binder Pencils and erasers Highlighters Dry Erase Markers

11 General Classroom Needs
Clorox Wipes Kleenex Lined paper Copy Paper 3 x 5 notecards

12 6th Grade T-Shirt Every student is a member of our 6th grade team-family; it is our goal to make sure each student has a 6th grade shirt to represent the team $10 cost Due by 8/15 Order forms available from and to be turned in to math teachers.

13 Barros Family Night •Tuesday, August 14th, 2018 •5:00pm—6:30pm
•Kyrene and Warner •Informal meet and greet time with 6th grade teachers. •Buy some pizza, hang out, share your time with us! •Bring the whole family!

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