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Bellringer – Plate Movements

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer – Plate Movements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer – Plate Movements

2 Bellringer - Earthquakes

3 Bellringer – Plate Movements

4 Bellringer – Sea-Floor Spreading
Using this picture, describe sea-floor spreading.

5 Bellringer – Tectonic Plates
What is the difference between a divergent and transform boundary?

6 Earth’s Movements Tectonic Plates Plate Boundary
**The large movable sections of the Earth’s crust are known as Tectonic Plates **The point where these plates touch/interact is known as a Plate Boundary Let’s look at the 3 types of plate boundaries a bit closer:

7 How do these plates and their movements shape our Earth?

8 Transform Boundary-- Earthquake
Boundary where plates slide past each other **A kind of Fault-- (a break in the Earth’s crust) Plates grinding builds pressure—rocks move or break Causes the ground to shake-- Earthquake Plates sliding past one another 8

9 Two Plates collide here.
Convergent Boundary- Two Plates collide here. Nonvolcanic mountain chains form when this happens. 9

10 3 Types of convergent boundaries
1. Boundary between 2 continental plates Forms mountains 2. Boundary between a continental plate and an oceanic plate Boundary between oceanic plates 10

11 One plate pushes under the other--
Subduction Forms volcanoes An opening in the ground where melted rock, gases, and ash escape.

12 Happens on the ocean floor-
Divergent Boundary-- Two plates move away from each other Crack that forms between -- Rift Magma rises up forming new Crust (Land) Happens on the ocean floor- Sea-floor Spreading On either side of rift volcanic mountains form a Midocean ridge Valley between -- Rift Valley

13 Ring of Fire-- Zone of frequent earthquakes & volcanoes

14 New Madrid Fault Line – Tennessee / Reelfoot Lake

15 Ring of Fire occurs around the Pacific Ocean

16 Sometimes volcanic activity occurs…….
Known as a - Hot Spot Area of volcanic activity that is not near a plate boundary. Island chains form this way! What happens when the plates start moving across the top of the hot spot? Let’s watch the clip for the answer.

17 are neither destroyed nor created at a
Use the following terms to complete the concept map below: tectonic plates, convergent boundary, transform boundary, divergent boundary, subduction zone, sea-floor spreading Tectonic plates can be created at a Can be destroyed at a are neither destroyed nor created at a Divergent boundary Convergent boundary which can be marked by Transform boundary which is often a Subduction zone Sea-floor spreading

18 A Earthquakes , Mountains, Volcanoes, Sea-Floor Spreading Quiz D B B

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