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Start Here from 8-8:15 9/4/18.

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Presentation on theme: "Start Here from 8-8:15 9/4/18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start Here from 8-8:15 9/4/18

2 Mount Sterling Elementary Expectations
School-wide Expectations

3 Voice Levels Level 0 = No talking Level 1 = Whisper
Level 2 = Conversation voice.

4 Hallway Procedures Students should walk on the right side of the hallway on the ”2nd Tile single file” Be courteous to others at all times Do not touch or put your hand on the walls Voice level 0 Our procedures keep the hallways more orderly! And it actually helps all students get to class more quickly.

5 Restroom Procedures Travel to the bathroom at voice level 0 on the “2nd Tile Single File” When you are with a class waiting to use the bathroom you should remain at a level 0. If you have to speak raise your hand and speak at a level 1.

6 Restroom Procedures Go quickly, quietly, flush the toilet, and wash your hands when finished! Only use one squirt when washing your hands. Horseplay, misbehavior is not acceptable DO NOT write on the walls! If you see anything that concerns you (bathroom is dirty, someone has done something inappropriate, etc.), please tell a teacher immediately.

7 The end!! Next Slide = 9-9:15

8 Rewards System Popping with Pride Award

9 Playground Procedures
Play without tackling, pushing, hitting, or throwing mulch When time is up you should line up single file and at a level 0 to go inside, please enter the building a level 0. No running until you get to the mulch PLAY SAFE AND HAVE FUN!

10 The end!! Next Slide = 9:45-10

11 Co-Safe This is a timeout of the classroom for a student for continued misbehavior. Student will be removed from the classroom and will go to their teachers designated Co-Safe room. Students will finish assignment and Co-Safe slip before returning to the classroom. If behavior continues, Administrator will be called and the student will be removed. After the 2nd Co-Safe student will receive an office referral If student receives Co-Safe during the nine weeks that student will have a loss of any team and school wide incentives.

12 Do right before you go to lunch

13 Going to the Cafeteria Students will use hallway transitions procedures emphasizing level 0 voice levels. Student will walk in the hallway on the “2nd tile single file.” Teachers will escort students to their assigned serving line. Use the bathroom before you go to lunch, there will be no getting up unless its an emergency.

14  Exiting Procedure * Students will line up under the direction of their teachers at voice level 0 to prepare to enter the hallways. * Teachers will lead their students down the hallway directly to their classrooms .  

15 The end!! Next Slide = 12-12:15

16 EMERGENCY DRILLS These are for your safety. You MUST take them seriously. Students should: Remain calm Follow your teacher’s instructions precisely Level 0 while the drill is in progress and until teachers allow you to talk Notify an adult any time you see anything or anyone you think could pose a danger. Any adult in the building during the day who is not a staff member should have a visitor tag. If you see an adult without one, tell a teacher, aide, or administrator. GREAT JOB ON THE FIRE DRILL ON FRIDAY!!!

17 The end!! Next Slide =2:15-2:30

18 Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures in the Classroom Arrival- When you arrive in the morning you should exit quickly and either go to the gym or the cafeteria for breakfast. If you eat breakfast when finished you should report to the gym. Afternoon Gym Behavior Be respectful and stay seated behind your cone until your number is called Any continued disrespect or problems could result in an office referral

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