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The October Revolution of 1917: Russia goes Commie!

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1 The October Revolution of 1917: Russia goes Commie!
Election Results in Russia November 1917 for the Constitutional Assembly: Party Votes Total (all Russia) 44,218,55 Socialist Revolutionaries 37% (48% including Ukrainian bloc) Peasant 0.6% Bolshevik Social Democrats (later renamed to Communists) 24% Menshevik Social Democrats 3% Other Socialist Parties 1% Kadets 5% Cossack Party 2%

2 Tauride Palace


4 Soviet Order No. 1 1. Committees to be elected immediately from the ranks of all military and naval units 2. One delegate from each company to be elected to the Petrograd Soviet 3. Armed forces are subordinate to the Petrograd Soviet in all their political actions 4. Orders of Military Commission of the Duma are to be carried out only if they do not conflict with the orders of the Petrograd Soviet 5. All weapons to remain under the control of company and battalion committees, and in no circumstances to be handed over to officers 6. While on duty soldiers must observe strict military discipline, but off-duty soldiers enjoy the same rights as other citizens; saluting off-duty is abolished 7. Honorific titles of officers are abolished (Your Excellency) 8. All coarse conduct by officers towards soldiers (use of the familiar ty) is abolished, and cases of it must be reported to the committee.


6 BUT!

7 “Peace, Land, Bread NOW!”


9 October Revolution


11 Communist Russia Lenin announces that they will now begin to build a Socialist state (the first of its kind in the world!) Those who opposed the “Reds” formed __________ the “Whites” – monarchists, liberals (supporters of a Duma/Republic), and others. Most peasants did not like either side and fought both! Would end about 4 years later with a victory for the Reds and the renaming of Russia to the U.S.S.R. which stands for _____ Union of Soviet Socialist Republics How could a minority defeat the majority!?! ….but that’s another riddle in Russian history – its Civil War!

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