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Bradford VTS Web Pages for General Practice ONLINE RESOURCES

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Presentation on theme: "Bradford VTS Web Pages for General Practice ONLINE RESOURCES"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taken from
Bradford VTS Web Pages for General Practice ONLINE RESOURCES Non-clinical Tutorials for GP Registrars EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE (EBM) This set of .ppt slides is intended for those who are going to give training in the Cochrane Library, but who do not have facilities to do an on-line demonstration. They can be adapted to suit the needs of those using them. It consists of images of screens taken from the Clib which can be used to illustrate a training session. The speakers notes do not contain detailed information. This can be sought from the Self-teaching guide also available to download from the web. The order of the slides does however suggest a format that you could follow which will cover:- The features of the Clib screen Searching The different record types and information sources on the Clib Navigating round documents Displaying the odds-ratio diagrams Printing and copying The above slide shows the opening screen of the Cochrane Library, showing the 3 main sections, toolbar, index window and document window 1

2 The tool bar - performs the major functions on the Cochrane Library.

3 Features of the index window
Features of the index window. Lists the individual sections in the Cochrane Library, can be opened up to view the titles of the records in databases. 3

4 The search functions Simple search screen - quick searching of the Clib using keywords. Limiting search to new/updated items. 4

5 Search functions Advanced search screen. Allows more sophisticated searches to be compiled, combining sets, limiting by date, searching using field descriptors, etc. 5

6 MeSH searching Thesaurus/permuted index search. Searching for one word which is found in the alphabetical listing, along with all the terms including that word. 6

7 MeSH search MeSH tree screen with selected term highlighted. Choosing between selecting a term and exploding that term. 7

8 Results of a search in the index and document windows - once search is performed, results displayed in index window. Selection of a document displays it in the document window. 8

9 Moving around documents - the outline button
Moving around documents - the outline button. Some documents are long, so the outline button allows speedy navigation around documents - can be used in all sections of the Clib. 9

10 Navigating round documents - the find button
Navigating round documents - the find button. Used to find first occurence of individual words within the document window. Word is highlighted in pink once found. 10

11 Different document types in the Cochrane Library
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) - full text of review - large document including odds-ratio diagrams. 11

12 Different document types in the Cochrane Library
Database of abstracts of reviews of effectiveness (DARE) Assessments of systematic reviews published elsewhere - structured abstracts 12

13 Different documents in the Cochrane Library
Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (CCTR) Bibliographic references to randomised controlled trials -identified through hand searching of journals and in Medline/Embase Cochrane Review Methodology Database - also bibliographic references - to articles etc. dealing with the methodology/science of doing systematic reviews, statistics etc. 13

14 Other features/information on the Cochrane Library
About the Cochrane Collaboration: information on the collaboration and all its entities, contact details, areas of work etc. 14

15 Other features/information
Internet sources of effectiveness information - The ScHARR guide - sources of effectiveness information found on the WWW INAHTA database - International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment database 15

16 Other features/information
The Cochrane Handbook - not a guide to using the Cochrane Library - a ‘how-to’ guide to systematic reviews. 16

17 Other features/information
The Glossary - definitions to terms commonly used in systematic reviews and therefore common in the Cochrane Library. 17

18 Displaying the odds-ratio diagrams in the Cochrane Library - odds-ratio diagrams only found in CDSR on the Clib. Always found in the Summary of Analyses section. Double click on blue text to display diagrams. 18

19 The summary odds-ratio diagram for all of the comparisons and outcomes looked at in the systematic review. Double click on a comparison/outcome to display the detailed odds-ratio diagram. 19

20 The detail odds-ratio diagram included for every outcome, giving the breakdown of results derived from each individual trial included in the meta-analysis. Pull down menus can change scales, statistic shown (odds-ratio or relative risk), etc. 20

21 Other features/ information
Print/save dialogue box - options to print/save documents in different formats. 21

22 Possible to select text to copy to clipboard - paste into word processed document.

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