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Resources Unit 5 Week 2 Days 2-3.

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Presentation on theme: "Resources Unit 5 Week 2 Days 2-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources Unit 5 Week 2 Days 2-3

2 Question of the Week: How can we combine our resources to make change?

3 Homonyms Homonyms are two or more words that look the same and sound the same, but have different meanings Ex: blue The color blue vs. feeling sad Ex: toll The price vs. the hardship If a familiar word does not make sense while reading, the word you see may be a homonym

4 access right to approach, enter, or use; admittance

5 authority power to enforce obedience; right to command or act

6 lush covered with thick growth

7 obstacle something that prevents or stops progress; hindrance

8 toll something paid, lost, or suffered

9 torment cause of great pain

10 wilt to become limp and bend down; wither

11 Fact and Opinion Statements of fact can be correct or incorrect
Fact: Spring Break begins on April 3rd, 2015 for East Lansing Public Schools. Statements of opinion can be valid or faulty Opinion: Spring Break should begin sooner.

12 Adjectives and Articles:
Grammar transparency

13 Independent/Partner Work:
Weekly reading choices: Partner read “Harvesting Hope” and fill out graphic organizer Partner or independently read the independent reader of your choice and fill out graphic organizer ***There will be time in 5th hour to finish reading*** Finish 5.2 Spelling Menu Study spelling words Read choice novel

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