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South After the War.

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1 South After the War

2 From Terkel, S. 1980. American Dreams: Lost and Found
From Terkel, S American Dreams: Lost and Found. Pantheon Books, Random House, Inc. C.P. Ellis was born in 1927 and was fifty-three years old at the time of this interview with Studs Terkel. At one time he was president (Exalted Cyclops) of the Durham chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, and lived in Durham, North Carolina.

3 So I began to admire the Klan. To be part of somethin'
  So I began to admire the Klan... To be part of somethin'. ... The first night I went with the fellas I was led into a large meeting room, and this was the time of my life! It was thrilling. Here's a guy who's worked all his life and struggled all his life to be something, and here's the moment to be something. I will never forget it. Four robed Klansmen led me into the hall. The lights were dim and the only thing you could see was an illuminated cross... After I had taken my oath, there was loud applause goin' throughout the buildin', musta been at least 400 people. For this one little ol person. It was a thrilling moment for C. P. Ellis...   The majority of [the Klansmen] are low-income Whites, people who really don't have a part in something. They have been shut out as well as Blacks. Some are not very well educated either. Just like myself. We had a lot of support from doctors and lawyers and police officers. Maybe they've had bitter experiences in this life and they had to hate somebody. So the natural person to hate would be the Black person. He's beginnin to come up, he's beginnin' to start votin' and run for political office. Here are White people who are supposed to be superior to them, and we're shut out... Shut out. Deep down inside, we want to be part of this great society. Nobody listens, so we join these groups...

4 Blood on the Leaves – Kanye
Strange Fruit – Billie Holiday

5 Aim: How did the Southern condition prevent true equality?
Vocab Black Codes Jim Crow Laws KKK Impeachment Freedmen’s Bureau Sharecropping Essential Questions: What were the conditions in the South after the Civil War? How effective were the post-Civil War Amendments (13th, 14th, and 15th)? Explain your answer!!!!!!

6 Impeachment Article One of the United States Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment and the Senate the sole power to try impeachments. Impeachment is only the first of two stages, and conviction requires a two-thirds vote. Impeachment does not necessarily result in removal from office; it is only a legal statement of charges, parallel to an indictment in criminal law. An official who is impeached faces a second legislative vote (whether by the same body or another), which determines conviction, or failure to convict, on the charges embodied by the impeachment.


8   Celebration of the 15th Amendment in Baltimore, Maryland on May 19,1870. This lithography represents the struggle for voting rights and political equality that the Amendment embodied for African Americans. These included land ownership, education, legal marriage, citizenship, religious freedom and military service to defend these rights. It also includes major figures in Reconstruction such as President Ulysses S. Grant, Vice President Schuyler Colfax and African-American leaders Martin Dulany, Frederick Douglas and Hiram Revels, the first African-American U.S. Senator.


10 Reconstruction vs. Redemption

11 Current problems facing the black community:
The annual income of African Americans who are employed in full-time jobs is 40% less than Whites The Black unemployment rate is nearly double that of the whole nation. One third of Blacks are poor, compared with just over 10 percent of Whites. One half of all Black children live in poverty. The infant mortality rate for Blacks is more than double that of Whites. The proportion of Black male high school graduates who go on to college is lower today than in 1975. More young Black males are in prison than in college. Homicide is the leading cause of death for Black males between the ages of fifteen and thirty-four. Although African Americans make up 12 percent of the population, they account for more than 35 percent of all AIDS cases. The life expectancy of Black men is sixty-five years, a rate lower than any other group in America and comparable to that of some Third World countries. Nearly 50 percent of all African American families are headed by single women. Do you agree with the author that these problems faced by blacks today the result of blacks and the black organization of the NAACP adopting Du Bois’s ideas over Washington’s? Explain.

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