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Reading Measuring Tools

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Measuring Tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Measuring Tools

2 Objectives Why do we use measuring tools? What tools will we use?
How do we read measuring tools? Where are these tools used in industry?

3 Make measurements with rulers, calipers,
Activities Make measurements with rulers, calipers, and micrometers Complete a worksheet on measuring tools

4 Why do we use measuring tools?
To ensure accuracy Measuring “jigs” before starting a job While working on a job To check dimensions after completing a job

5 The Tools Ruler / Tape Calipers Micrometers

6 Ruler / Tape Least Precise Accuracy of 1/16” (.0625”)
Used on large items and “non-precision” work Available in various lengths

7 Tapes & Rulers Divided into increments of 1/16”(standard)
*sometimes smaller Metric on the opposite side Bold numbers indicate inches

8 Measures Outside Diameters, Inside Diameters,
Calipers Accuracy of .001” 0” – 6” , 0” – 12” , 0” – 36” Used on precision jobs Measures Outside Diameters, Inside Diameters, And Depths

9 Parts of the calipers clamp screw nibs bar dial jaws

10 What are the 5 parts of the caliper ?
Dial Jaws Nibs Bar Clamp Screw

11 Each round on the dial equals .100” or .200”
Reading Calipers Each increment on the bar represents .100” Each round on the dial equals .100” or .200” Depending on the brand of the tool Bold numbers on the dial represent .010” Small dashes equal .001”

12 Micrometers Accuracy of .0001” Most accurate
Available in various sizes, from 0” – 1” up to 35” – 36” Used to measure Outside Diameters

13 Parts of the micrometer
sleeve thimble spindle anvil frame

14 What are the 5 parts of the micrometer ?
Frame Thimble Sleeve Spindle Anvil

15 Reading the micrometer

16 Largest sleeve reading
An Example Smallest Measurement Largest sleeve reading 15 17 16 14 13 18 19 18 17 0.000 16 15 14 13 0.300 0.025 0.016 0.341 inches One mark past largest sleeve reading Thimble Reading

17 Digital Calipers and Micrometers

18 Serves the same purposes as conventional Calipers and micrometers
Digital Calipers and Micrometers Serves the same purposes as conventional Calipers and micrometers Easier to read due to digital read-out Usually more expensive

19 Where are these tools used ?

20 construction Automotive Machine Shops Any Others ?

21 Get out a sheet of paper . . . Measuring Tools Quiz

22 Name the following tools :
2. 1. 3. 4.

23 5. What tool is the most accurate?
What tool is the least accurate? What are the three things calipers are used to measure? Why do we use measuring tools?

24 9. Name this tool: What is one job that uses measuring
tools that we discussed?

25 Name the 5 parts of the calipers .
BONUS ! ! Name the 5 parts of the calipers . 1 point each Name the 5 parts of the micrometer . 1 point each

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