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Diversity of Ethnic Groups and Religion in Africa

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1 Diversity of Ethnic Groups and Religion in Africa
The Campster WOC

2 Ethnic Group? It is important to understand that there is a big difference between an ethnic group and a religious group. An ethnic group shares many common characteristics, such as language, similar physical features, customs, and traditions. Ethnic groups are not defined by a political boundary. They can be found across the world

3 Or Religious Group? Religious groups share a common belief system but are not all part of the same ethnic group. For example, there are many different ethnic groups that practice the religion of Islam. There are many Arabs of SW Asia that practice Islam…it is the MAJOR religion…however, there are also Arabs that are Christian and practice religions other than Islam

4 A Comparison of Ethnicity and Religion
We will look at the diversity of 4 ethnic groups of Africa Arab Ashanti Bantu Swahili

5 Religions of Africa The three main religions practiced in Africa are traditional, Islam, and Christianity. Traditional beliefs may include worship of ancestors, spirits, gods, animals, land, inanimate objects, and nature. In some cases you see traditional beliefs combined with the practice of Islam or Christianity.

6 Arabs Arabs have been living in Africa for hundreds of years.
Arabs are the dominant ethnic group of northern Africa, including Mauritania, Sudan, and Somalia. While there are a small number of Arabs that are Christians in Lebanon, the majority of African Arabs practice Islam.

7 The Ashanti The Ashanti peoples, also referred to as the Asante, are found in central Ghana. They are part of a larger ethnic group, the Akans. The Ashanti practice a traditional religion, that some combine with elements of Christianity. Their beliefs are a combination of spiritual, as well as supernatural powers.

8 Ashanti Beliefs The Ashanti believe that plants, animals, and trees all have souls. They also believe in fairies, witches, and forest monsters.

9 The Golden Stool of the Ashanti
The Ashanti worship a golden stool, that legend says floated down from the heavens and into the lap of the first Ashanti king. The Golden Stool is considered to be sacred to the Ashanti people, who view it to contain the spirit and soul of their people. The Ashanti have defended the stool whenever it has been in danger. The stool has never been sat on and it has never touched the ground.

10 The Bantu Bantu is considered to be more of a language group than an actual ethnic group or tribe. Some of the major ethnic groups that are considered to be Bantu are the Xhosa, Kikuyu, Zulu, and Tonga Most Bantu people also practice a traditional religion.

11 Bantu Religious Beliefs
Most Bantu believe in a Supreme being that can bring goodwill or misfortune to any home. However, more influential in Bantu belief is the concept of ancestral beings that have an impact on everyday life. These spirits are considered to have a direct impact on the lives of the living, whereas the Supreme Being is considered beyond human contact.

12 The Swahili The Swahili people are really not an ethnic group, but people who share a common language. The language of Swahili is a combination of Bantu and Arabic, spoken primarily in East Africa. The Bajun, Siyu, and Vumba are some of the various subgroups of the Swahili.

13 Swahili Religious Practice
The predominant religion of the Swahili people is Islam. It differs from the Arab religious practice in that they blend some traditional beliefs with Islam. The Swahili refer to Allah as Mungu, which means “the high god” in Bantu. This shows the similarity to Bantu traditional ways.

14 More on Swahili Religion
Like the Bantu, there is worship of ancestors, because they have difficulty with the concept of a god being unreachable, or unattainable. Ancestor worship is supposed to be protective of the people. Territorial spirits are considered to be evil. Medicine men are used to heal those that are possessed by bad spirits.

15 Two Other Cultures of Interest
In the Kalahari Desert, there is a nomadic tribe of people known as the San. The San tribe, very closely related to the Khoikhoi people of the region live in small groups, hunting and gathering.

16 San Religion The San people practice a traditional religion that focuses on a higher god, and many lesser gods that live among the people. The San participate in a ritual dance that is used to heal the community. People often go into a trance from the power. It is supposed to heal physical and psychological illness.

17 The Mbuti Pygmies The Mbuti pygmies are forest-dwellers that live in the Ituri forest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The average height of one of the Mbuti tribe member is under 4’6’’.

18 The Mbuti The Mbuti live as hunter-gatherers in the rain forest, living in small, round, dome huts for up to one month at a time before moving.

19 Mbuti Religious Practice
The Mbuti, like the San, are entirely traditional, living the way their ancestors before them lived. The Mbuti perform rituals to keep the rainforest happy, since it is the source of their food and shelter. Muungu is believed to be the highest of the forest gods. They also believe in nature gods around them.

20 Africa’s Diversity Is it any wonder that Africa would have such a wide range of religious practice? Some tribes, like the San and the Mbuti have stayed away from modern life, therefore preserving their ancient religions. With each “mainstream” religion that has been introduced with the migration of people, it has led to a blending of culture unique to each country or region in Africa.

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