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Published byHubert Hodges Modified over 6 years ago
Individual Growth & Development Indicators for 3-year old’s (P3-IGDIs)
2018 (beta) Edition A solution-based approach to assessing 3 year olds for the Kansas Early Learning.
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Purpose & Design P3 IGDIs are a set of early language & literacy measures for monitoring the development of 3 year old children (36-48 months old). These measures are designed using the same evidence-based process present in the myIGDIs Early Literacy+ measures for 4/5 year olds, however, for this study, items were designed exclusively for use with 3/4 year olds, or the PreK-3 year (P3). The measures being tested include: Picture Naming (Oral Language) (F/W/S) Sound Identification (Alphabet Knowledge) (W/S) Rhyming (Phonological Awareness) (S) Purpose & Design The intent of this study is to develop and test a set of early language & literacy measures for monitoring the development of P3 children (36-48 months old). These measures are designed using the same evidence-based process present in the myIGDIs Early Literacy+ measures for 4/5 year olds, however, for this study, items will be designed exclusively for use with 3/4 year olds, or the PreK-3 year (P3). The measures being tested include: Picture Naming (Oral Language) Sound Identification (Alphabet Knowledge) Rhyming (Phonological Awareness)
What you will be receiving…
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes What you will be receiving… P3 Assessment Binder for each Instructor. Binders include assessment cards for: P3-Picture Naming P3-Rhyming P3-Sound ID P3 Record Forms What you will be receiving… P3 Assessment Binder for each Instructor. Binders include assessment cards for: P3-Picture Naming P3-Rhyming P3-Sound ID P3 Record Forms (3 per student) Fall Winter Spring
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes What you will notice… Many similarities to administering Early Literacy+. The same sample cards and procedures. A few more test cards per sub-test. All cards are in one-binder. Supplemental Administration Manual – instructions are stated on the cards in the binder. What you will notice… Many similarities to administering Early Literacy+. The same sample cards and procedures. A few more test cards per sub-test. All cards are in one-binder. No Administration Manual – instructions are stated on the cards in the binder.
Administration Windows (suggested)
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Administration Windows (suggested) Start Date End Date Fall Aug 15 Nov 14 Winter Nov 15 Feb 14 Spring Feb 15 May 14 Suggested Administration Windows are the same as the other myIGDIs assessment tools.
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Instructions Administer to children attending PreK-3 (3 year olds), 2-years before Kindergarten. Administer once in the Fall, Winter and Spring. Record all responses on the P3 Record Form. Follow the prompt provided on the back of the cards, printed in red. Answers are noted on the back of the card. Only give the seasonal measures appropriate for each given season: Picture Naming (F/W/S), Sound ID (W/S) and Rhyming (S) Instructions Administer to children attending PreK-3 (3 year olds), 2-years before Kindergarten. Administer once in the Fall, Winter and Spring. Record all responses on the P3 Record Form. Follow the prompt provided on the back of the cards, printed in red. Answers are noted on the back of the card.
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Picture Naming | Setup P3-Picture Naming includes four sample items labeled Sample A-D, followed by 25 test items. Items are always presented in the same order. During administration, deliver all four sample cards. If the child passes the sample cards, go on to the rest of the items. Present each card one at a time by flipping the item over the easel to show the pictures to the child. Picture Naming | Setup P3-Picture Naming includes four sample items labeled Sample A-D, followed by 25 test items. Items are always presented in the same order. During administration, deliver all four sample cards. If the child passes the sample cards, go on to the rest of the items. Present each card one at a time by flipping the item over the easel to show the pictures to the child.
Picture Naming | Discontinuation Criteria
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Picture Naming | Discontinuation Criteria The administrator should stop if during Sample Items C & D the child does not respond or gives an incorrect response after 2 attempts on EITHER Sample Card, stop administration of the measure. Stop criteria are noted right on the sample cards. Picture Naming | Discontinuation Criteria The administrator should stop if during Sample Items C & D the child does not respond or gives an incorrect response after 2 attempts on EITHER Sample Card, stop administration of the measure. Continue on to administration of any remaining measures.
Picture Naming | Test Card
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Picture Naming | Test Card Picture Naming | Test Card The picture naming sample cards are the same as Literacy+ but the test cards are different. You will notice an ID number in the top right corner of the card. This is for us to know what item it is when analyzing the data. You do not have to keep track of this number when assessing the students. back front
Picture Naming | Scoring
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Picture Naming | Scoring Record the child’s response on the P3 Record Form. All responses are scored 0 or 1. A response that matches any of the item keys on the back of the card constitutes a score of 1. Any other response constitutes a 0 response. Be sure to review the Picture Naming FAQ before administration. If the child does not pass the sample cards, mark the “discontinue” checkbox on the recording form. If the child indicates they don’t know or provides no response, circle the corresponding NR/DK option. No scoring is necessary. Picture Naming | Scoring Record the child’s response on the P3 Record Form. Circle the responses stated or write in any additional responses the child provides on the recording form. If the child does not pass the sample cards, mark the “discontinue” checkbox on the recording form. If the child indicates they don’t know or provides no response, circle the corresponding NR/DK option. No scoring is necessary.
Record Form Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes
When filling out the record form please make sure that you have filled out the Date of birth and the date of administration. Make sure the when you write the child’s response or responses on the line that they are readable so that we are able to enter the responses into our data system to analyze. When sending the recording forms back to us when completed please be sure that the child’s name is not included on the record form.
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Picture Naming | FAQ What if the child provides a response that has additional descriptor(s) embedded (e.g. correct response is “shell” but child says, “sea shell”)? What if the child provides a response that is the singular version of the word when where is multiple items in the image (e.g. child says “nail” and the picture is a pile of nails)? What if the child answers in a foreign language? Answer 1: As long as the child’s response includes the full response(s) written on the back of the card AND describes additional features or properties of the item without changing the nature of the response, the item can be considered correct (e.g. sea shell or brown paper bag would be correct). More sophisticated responses include information that elaborates and adds to the context at a higher level than the basic response required to get the item correct. Examples of More sophisticated responses: Brown Paper Bag for “Bag” Continental United States for “Map/United States” Wrist Watch for “watch” Examples of responses that are NOT more sophisticated Cooker man for “chef” Bug for “caterpillar” Grass cutter for “lawn mower” If this happens, please circle the correct response choice on the score sheet, but ALSO write the child’s full response in the alternate response column. Do not write the child’s full response in the “incorrect response” column to avoid confusion with data entry. Answer 2: It is correct if the answer is singular and the picture has more than one It is incorrect if the answer from the child is plural and the image only has one (e.g. if the child says “cherries” and the image is of one cherry) Answer 3: Can you tell me that in English? Note: No responses given in a language other than English should be considered correct.
Picture Naming Benchmarks
Sound ID | Setup (Winter & Spring Only)
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Sound ID | Setup (Winter & Spring Only) P3-Sound ID includes four sample items labeled Sample A-D, followed by 25 test items. Items are always presented in the same order. During administration, deliver all four sample cards. If the child passes the sample cards, go on to the rest of the items. Present each card one at a time by flipping the item over the easel to show the pictures to the child. Sound ID | Setup P3-Sound ID includes four sample items labeled Sample A-D, followed by 25 test items. Items are always presented in the same order. During administration, deliver all four sample cards. If the child passes the sample cards, go on to the rest of the items. Present each card one at a time by flipping the item over the easel to show the pictures to the child.
Sound ID | Discontinuation Criteria
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Sound ID | Discontinuation Criteria The administrator should stop if during Sample Items C & D the child does not respond or gives an incorrect response after 2 attempts on EITHER Sample Card, stop administration of the measure. Continue on to administration of any remaining measures. Sound ID | Discontinuation Criteria The administrator should stop if during Sample Items C & D the child does not respond or gives an incorrect response after 2 attempts on EITHER Sample Card, stop administration of the measure. Continue on to administration of any remaining measures.
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Sound ID | Sounds The identified sounds for each letter are noted below: Sound ID | Setup P3-Sound ID includes four sample items labeled Sample A-D, followed by 25 test items. Items are always presented in the same order. During administration, deliver all four sample cards. If the child passes the sample cards, go on to the rest of the items. Present each card one at a time by flipping the item over the easel to show the pictures to the child. If the child names the letter, ask them to point to their response. If the child does not pass the sample cards, mark the “discontinue” checkbox on the recording form. If a child incorrectly responds to 10 items in a row (consecutively) you may discontinue the task. Do this by drawing a line after the 10th incorrect response. If the child indicates they don’t know or provides no response, circle the corresponding DK/NR option. No scoring is necessary.
Sound ID | Test Card back front Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming
Closing Notes Sound ID | Test Card Sound ID | Test Card Here is an example of Sound ID test card. There are a series of letters on both sides of the card. The letter that is in red is the correct response that we are looking for from the child. back front
Sound ID | Scoring (Winter/Spring Only)
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Sound ID | Scoring (Winter/Spring Only) The child should always respond to each item by pointing to the answer. Record any response given by circling the child’s selection on the P3 Record Form. Sound ID | Scoring The child should always respond to each item by pointing to the answer. Record any response given by circling the child’s selection on the P3 Record Form.
Record Form Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes
Here is the record form for Sound ID. Please remember to fill out the child’s date of birth and the date of administration. These are required areas. When circle the child’s response circle clearly so that we are able to enter in the correct response into our data system. You will be filling out 3 Picture naming forms, 3 rhyming forms and 3 Sound ID forms. One for each season. At this time P3 results can not be entered in our online data system. There are also no benchmarks and norms established.
Sound ID Benchmarks
Rhyming | Setup (Spring Only)
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Rhyming | Setup (Spring Only) P3-Rhyming includes four sample items labeled Sample A-D, followed by 25 test items. Items are always presented in the same order. During administration, deliver all four sample cards. If the child passes the sample cards, go on to the rest of the items. Present each card one at a time by flipping the item over the easel to show the pictures to the child. Point to each picture as you label it given the standardized prompt printed on the back of the card. Some of the P3-Rhyming items will have three choices and some will have two choices. Rhyming | Setup P3-Rhyming includes four sample items labeled Sample A-D, followed by 28 test items. Items are always presented in the same order. During administration, deliver all four sample cards. If the child passes the sample cards, go on to the rest of the items. Present each card one at a time by flipping the item over the easel to show the pictures to the child. Point to each picture as you label it given the standardized prompt printed on the back of the card. Some of the P3-Rhyming items will have three choices and some will have two choices.
Rhyming | Discontinuation Criteria
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Rhyming | Discontinuation Criteria The administrator should stop if during Sample Items C & D the child does not respond or gives an incorrect response after 2 attempts on EITHER Sample Card, stop administration of the measure. Continue on to administration of any remaining measures. Rhyming | Discontinuation Criteria The administrator should stop if during Sample Items C & D the child does not respond or gives an incorrect response after 2 attempts on EITHER Sample Card, stop administration of the measure. Continue on to administration of any remaining measures.
Rhyming | Discontinuation Criteria Cont.
If the child does not pass the sample cards, mark the “discontinue” checkbox on the recording form. If a child incorrectly responds to 10 items in a row (consecutively) you may discontinue the task. Do this by drawing a line after the 10th incorrect response. If the child indicates they don’t know or provides no response, circle the corresponding DK/NR option. No scoring is necessary.
Rhyming | Test Card back front Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming
Sound ID Closing Notes Rhyming | Test Card Rhyming | Test Card This is an example of a test card. Just like with the original version the prompts is on the back side of the cards towards you and the series of pictures is on the front side for the child to see. back front
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Rhyming | Scoring The child can respond by saying the answer pair (e.g., bees, cheese), pointing to the answer pair (e.g., bees, cheese), saying just the answer (e.g., cheese), or pointing to just the answer (e.g. cheese). Record any response given by circling the child’s selection on the P3 Record Form. The child can respond by saying the answer pair (e.g., bees, cheese), pointing to the answer pair (e.g., bees, cheese), saying just the answer (e.g., cheese), or pointing to just the answer (e.g. cheese). Record any response given by circling the child’s selection on the P3 Record Form.
Record Form Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes
As with all of the record forms please make sure that you have filled out the Date of birth and the date of administration. Make sure the when you circle the child’s response or responses please mark the responses clearly so that we are able to enter the responses into our data system to analyze. When sending the recording forms back to us when completed please be sure to black out the child’s name to keep this information confidential.
Rhyming Benchmarks
Benchmark Descriptions
Reminders Follow instructions carefully.
Introduction Picture Naming Rhyming Sound ID Closing Notes Reminders Follow instructions carefully. Call or if you have any questions! Reminders Follow instructions carefully. Call or Dena Roberts if you have any questions! Her number is Her address is
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