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Daily Word 3rd Quarter.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Word 3rd Quarter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Word 3rd Quarter

2 #76 Interloper (n) Definition: one that interferes with the affairs of others; a meddler Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

3 #77 Insipid (adj) Definition: Dull; flat; without sparkle or flavor
Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence

4 #78 Intuitive (adj) Definition: instinctive; untaught Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence

5 #79 Jargon (n) Definition: specialized language used by a particular group Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence

6 #80 Junction (n) Definition: point in time, especially a crucial one; joint; connection Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence

7 #81 Juxtapose (v) Definition: to place side-by-side Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence

8 #82 Kindle (v) Definition: to start a fire; ignite; arouse Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

9 #83 Kinetic (adj) Definition: in motion; active Synonyms: Antonyms:
Example: Sentence:

10 #84 Lament (v) Definition: express sorrow Synonyms: Antonyms: Example:

11 #85 Lofty (adj) Definition: at a great height; elevated; noble
Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

12 #86 Lucid (adj) Definition: easy to understand; transparent Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

13 #87 Ludicrous (adj) Definition: absurd; ridiculous Synonyms: Antonyms:
Example: Sentence:

14 #88 Luminary (n) Definition: a person of prominence or brilliant achievement Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

15 #89 Magnanimous (adj) Definition: showing courageous spirit; forgiving; not selfish Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

16 #90 Malice (n) Definition: a desire to cause harm or suffering
Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

17 #91 Malleable (adj) Definition: able to be reshaped by force; pliable; impressionable Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

18 #92 Metamorphosis (n) Definition: a transformation; an altercation
Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

19 #93 Meager (adj) Definition: small in size or amount; thin; weak
Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

20 #94 Mundane (adj) Definition: ordinary; boring Synonyms: Antonyms:
Example: Sentence:

21 #95 Novelty (n) Definition: something new or unusual Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

22 #96 Novice (n) Definition: beginner Synonyms: Antonyms: Example:

23 #97 Nullify (v) Definition: remove or cancel all value or force; negate Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

24 #98 Obstinate (adj) Definition: stubborn; refusing to be persuaded
Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

25 #99 Ominous (adj) Definition: sign of something unpleasant Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

26 #100 Opulent (adj) Definition: demonstrating great wealth; extravagant
Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

27 #101 Ostracize (v) Definition: to exclude from a group; to banish
Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

28 #102 Paradox (n) Definition: a statement that seems self-contradictory or absurd, but in reality expresses a possible truth Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

29 #103 Prolific (adj) Definition: producing offspring or young; abundantly Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

30 #104 Prosaic (adj) Definition: simple; straight-forward Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

31 #105 Prudent (adj) Definition: careful; cautious Synonyms: Antonyms:
Example: Sentence:

32 #106 Quandary (n) Definition: a state of confusion or doubt; dilemma
Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

33 #107 Quintessential (adj)
Definition: being the best or purest example of something Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

34 #108 Rampant (adj) Definition: unrestrained; widespread Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence: Daily Word test THIS FRIDAY C.P. # Hon #1-100

35 #109 Redolent (adj) Definition: strongly scented; fragrant Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence: Daily Word test THIS FRIDAY C.P. # Hon #1-100

36 #110 Remuneration (n) Definition: reward; payment Synonyms: Antonyms:
Example: Sentence: Daily Word test THIS FRIDAY C.P. # Hon #1-100

37 #111 Resilient (adj) Definition: quick to recover Synonyms: Antonyms:
Example: Sentence:

38 #112 Reticent (adj) Definition: quiet; uncommunicative Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

39 #113 Rudimentary (adj) Definition: undeveloped; fundamental; elementary Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

40 #114 Salubrious (adj) Definition: healthy Synonyms: Antonyms: Example:

41 #115 Scrupulous (adj) Definition: quite thorough; doing what is right and ethical Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

42 #116 Scrutinize (v) Definition: to observe carefully Synonyms:
Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

43 #117 Slander (n) Definition: negative remarks about another person that are untrue Synonyms: Antonyms: Example: Sentence:

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