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Your Objective The learner will identify the basic characteristics of organisms: unicellular organisms multicellular organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Objective The learner will identify the basic characteristics of organisms: unicellular organisms multicellular organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Objective The learner will identify the basic characteristics of organisms: unicellular organisms multicellular organisms

2 Today’s Assignment Today you will complete:
Fill in the blanks for the notes, as you read this power point. 2. Complete a Venn diagram on your paper. comparing and contrasting unicellular and multicellular organisms

3 Single-Celled BOTH Multi-Celled

4 Review the Cell Theory:
The Characteristics of Cells Review the Cell Theory: The cell theory lists three basic characteristics of all cells and organisms: All organisms are made up of one or more cells. The cell is the basic unit of all organisms. All cells come from existing cells. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 4

5 Vocabulary to Review: A cell is the smallest functional and structural unit of all living organisms. An organism is any living thing that carries out its own life processes. Robert Hooke was the first to describe cells. He looked at the bark of a cork tree under a microscope. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5

6 Multicellular and Unicellular Organisms

7 Did you know? Organisms can be classified into groups based on their cellular structure
Organisms can be classified as unicellular or multicellular: If their entire body is made up of one cell (unicellular) or many cells (multicellular) Unicellular Multicellular

8 Let’s begin by focusing on unicellular organisms.
bacteria paramecium euglena : a unicellular algae (a protist) Organisms made up of just one cell are unicellular. Uni = one

9 Unicellular Organisms uni = one
Amoebas, Algae, Plankton, and bacteria are single-celled organisms. You need a microscope to see single-celled organisms.

10 Examples of Unicellular Organisms
Bacteria (prokaryotic)

11 Examples of Unicellular Organisms
Protists (Eukaryotic) Euglena: a unicellular algae (a Protist)

12 Examples of Unicellular Organisms
Yeast (Eukaryotic) A unicellular fungi

13 Characteristics of Unicellular Organisms
Archaea  in Acidic hot springs Archaea  in Salty water Achaea Bacteria lives all over Earth Bacteria Found in various locations found all over Earth  extreme environments (high heat, salt, acid, etc.)

14 Characteristics of Unicellular Organisms
Yeast: A unicellular fungi Haploid yeast cells are able to conduct sexual reproduction Bacteria Bacteria cells are able to conduct asexual reproduction Asexual or Sexual Asexual: one parent passes copies of its genes to its offspring Sexual: two parents combine their genes and pass it on to their offspring

15 Multicellular Organisms

16 Now let’s focus on multicellular organisms.
Animals Mushroom: A multicellular fungus Plants A multicellular organism is made of two or more cells. Cells are differentiated (specific to its function). multi = many

17 Examples of Multicellular Organisms
Human (Eukaryotic)

18 Examples of Multicellular Organisms
Cedar Tree (Eukaryotic)

19 Examples of Multicellular Organisms
Ladybug (Eukaryotic)

20 Examples of Multicellular Organisms
Mushroom (Eukaryotic fungus)

21 Characteristics of Multicellular Organisms
Multicellular organisms live all over Earth Found in various locations found all over Earth  Few are found in extreme environments

22 Characteristics of Multicellular Organisms
Sexual reproduction Sexual: two parents combine their genes and pass it on to their offspring

23 Essential Questions How do single and multiple cells compare and contrast?

24 Let’s Review! Single-celled organisms are made of only one cell.
Example: algae, amoeba, paramecium Multi-cellular organisms, such as plants and animals, have a higher degree of specialization where the cells work together and function to create a living organism.  Let’s Review!

25 AGAIN! Organisms made up of just one cell are called unicellular organisms. The single cell must carry out all of the organism’s life functions. Organisms made up of more than one cell are called multicellular organisms. The cells of multicellular organisms have specialized functions. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 25

26 Multi Celled Examples Plants Animals Fungi

27 Multi-Celled Organisms
Multi = many things made up of more than one cell are multi-celled organisms. You are a multiple celled organism. Can you think of any other multi-celled organisms?

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