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English/LUNCH/English locker Science Social Studies

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Presentation on theme: "English/LUNCH/English locker Science Social Studies"— Presentation transcript:

1 English/LUNCH/English locker Science Social Studies
April 11, Day C Exploratory Math English/LUNCH/English locker Science Social Studies

2 Activator: Take out your H.W. On top corner of pg. 162, copy this:
April 13, [Day C] Take out your H.W. On top corner of pg. 162, copy this: -1 ≤ X < 3 closed circle open circle

3 April 13, [Day C] On pg. 162,

4 Activator: April 13, [Day C] pg. 162

5 Objective(s): April 13, [Day C] SWBAT: recognize that inequalities of the form X < C C > X have infinitely many solutions when the values of X come from a set of rational numbers. 6.EE.B.5, 6.EE.B.8 “X” is a variable “C” is a fixed number

6 Show possible customer wait times.
Notes: pg. 162 Example 2 April 13, [Day C] 6 ≤ X ≤ 20 X ≥ 6 X ≤ 20 fastest : 6 minutes longest: 20 minutes Show possible customer wait times.

7 Notes: pg. 162 Example 3 6 ≤ X < 16 X < 16 X ≥ 6
April 13, [Day C] 6 ≤ X < 16 X < 16 X ≥ 6 fewer than 16 hours at least six hours Graph the solution and write an inequality to represent this situation.

8 April 13, [Day C] How do you feel?

9 Classwork: Page 163 #1-5 Work individually (15 mins.)
Check with a partner (5 mins.) Challenge yourself, when done w/ these problems: Page #6-10

10 Check your answers (Page 163 #1-3):

11 Check your answers (Page 163 #4-5):

12 Ticket-to-go: Tonight’s Homework: Page 165 April 13, 2015 [Day C]
copy the number line write an inequality graph the solution April 13, [Day C] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Weeks worked on costumes. Ms. Goddu needs to make at least 28 costumes for the school play. Since she can make 4 costumes each week, Ms. Goddu plans to work on the costumes for at least 7 weeks. Solutions: Ms. Goddu should plan to work on the costumes for ______ or more weeks. x ≥ ? Tonight’s Homework: Page 165

13 Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners
April 13, [Day C] Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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