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Key Program Benchmarks

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1 Key Program Benchmarks
Erik Michelsen Administrator Watershed Protection & Restoration Program October 2014 Key Program Benchmarks

2 Credits/Appeals FY15 deadline was October 1, 2014
We’ve reviewed 167 credit applications and granted 124 of them at a value of about $81,000 credits to businesses and homeowners. We’ve reviewed 428 appeals and granted 263 (20 are still under review).

3 New Contracting Mechanisms
We have made recommendations to Purchasing to select 6 design firms (out of 29 applicants) for task order contracts of $1 million each per year. We are in the process of selecting two open end construction contractors (Patapsco watershed and the rest of the County), for contracts worth up to $5 million per year to construct smaller projects. Added 16 design firms to our pre-qualification list for stream restoration design work.


5 Community Restoration Grant
Executed Memorandum of Understanding with the Chesapeake Bay Trust to administer a restoration grant program open to non-profits within Anne Arundel County undertaking water quality improvement projects.


7 Project Implementation Milestones
We have initiated functional assessment and/or design work for 178 stormwater management facility retrofits, 174 outfall restoration projects, and over 29,000 linear feet of stream and wetland restoration projects. To date, we have constructed 12 stormwater pond retrofits.


9 Questions? Erik Michelsen Watershed Protection Administrator
Watershed Protection and Restoration Program

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