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Section 1: The Early Middle Ages

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1 Section 1: The Early Middle Ages
The Rise of Europe Section 1: The Early Middle Ages Witness History Audio: A King Converts to Christianity Western Europe in Decline Between the collapse of the Roman empire and modern times, Europe was in a period of political, social, and economic decline. Greco-Roman, Germanic, and Christian traditions blended during this time called the Middle Ages. Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “Since Clovis ruled a powerful kingdom, how might his conversion have affected Europe?” (helped Europe become Christian) When showing Color Transparency 39, discuss why Western Europe can be regarded as a frontier during this time. Use Color Transparency 40 to show how the victory of the Franks at Tours will be important to Western Europe. 1 of 10

2 Section 1: The Early Middle Ages
The Rise of Europe Section 1: The Early Middle Ages The Rise of the Germanic Kingdoms Various Germanic tribes divided and conquered much of Europe. Among them, the Franks seized Gaul in 486, where Frank King Clovis converted to Christianity. Muslims came to rule what is now Spain. Color Transparency 39: Western Europe Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “Since Clovis ruled a powerful kingdom, how might his conversion have affected Europe?” (helped Europe become Christian) When showing Color Transparency 39, discuss why Western Europe can be regarded as a frontier during this time. Use Color Transparency 40 to show how the victory of the Franks at Tours will be important to Western Europe. Note Taking Transparency 40: The Battle of Tours Note Taking Transparency 75A 2 of 10

3 Section 1: The Early Middle Ages
The Rise of Europe Section 1: The Early Middle Ages The Age of Charlemagne Charlemagne became king of the Franks around 800 and built an empire that included what are now France, Germany, and part of Italy. When the pope crowned him Emperor of the Romans, the split between eastern and western halves of the Christian church widened. Charlemagne helped to spread Christianity within his empire and encouraged Latin learning. Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “Since Clovis ruled a powerful kingdom, how might his conversion have affected Europe?” (helped Europe become Christian) When showing Color Transparency 39, discuss why Western Europe can be regarded as a frontier during this time. Use Color Transparency 40 to show how the victory of the Franks at Tours will be important to Western Europe. Geography Interactive Empire of Charlemagne, Note Taking Transparency 75B 3 of 10

4 Section 1: The Early Middle Ages
The Rise of Europe Section 1: The Early Middle Ages Europe After Charlemagne Charlemagne’s grandsons split his empire into three regions. Europe continued to be divided, however, when Muslim forces, Magyars, and Vikings invaded. Geography Interactive: Invasions of Europe, Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “Since Clovis ruled a powerful kingdom, how might his conversion have affected Europe?” (helped Europe become Christian) When showing Color Transparency 39, discuss why Western Europe can be regarded as a frontier during this time. Use Color Transparency 40 to show how the victory of the Franks at Tours will be important to Western Europe. QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency 4 of 10

5 The Rise of Europe: Section 1
Color Transparency 39: Western Europe 5 of 10

6 The Rise of Europe: Section 1
Color Transparency 40: The Battle of Tours 6 of 10

7 The Rise of Europe: Section 1
Note Taking Transparency 75A 7 of 10

8 The Rise of Europe: Section 1
Note Taking Transparency 75B 8 of 10

9 The Rise of Europe: Section 1
Progress Monitoring Transparency (1 of 2) 9 of 10

10 The Rise of Europe: Section 1
Progress Monitoring Transparency (2 of 2) 10 of 10

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