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The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution
The Clash of Cultures

2 Bell Ringer Discussion over Varying Viewpoints

3 Objectives Identify the role of the US government in the development of the West. Examine the settlement of the West, and whether it was positive or negative.

4 Receding Native Population
Natives turn against each other as whites populate West “Indian Wars” break out after a failed treaty Indians become subdued due to… Railroad Disease Food Wars Land

5 End of the Trail Buffalo population decreases
The Dawes Act provides a new promise for Indians Missionaries, humanitarians attempt to reform natives

6 Mining and the Long Drive
“Fifty-Niners” and the Comstock Lode provide for opportunity out West Women gain new rights “Long Drive” met the high demand for food

7 The Farmer’s Frontier Homestead Act inspires easterners to head out West Dry farming techniques contribute to the Dust Bowl Government finances irrigation in the West

8 The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution
The Far West Comes of Age

9 Bell Ringer The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism

10 Objectives Summarize Turner’s thesis, describing its strengths and weaknesses. Describe the economic forces that drove farmers into debt. Explain why McKinley proved able to defeat Bryan’s populist campaign.

11 The Fading Frontier Population increase and the Turner Thesis lead to the development of national parks Frontier = state of mind, symbol of opportunity

12 The Farm Becomes a Factory
Industry allows the farmer to take on other tasks, develop large farms US “contraction” brings about hard times for farmers By 1890, half of population are farmers

13 Farmers Take Their Stand
The Grange works to organize farmers into the Populist Party Nationalize RR Abolish Nat'l banks Graduated income tax Sub-treasury Panic of 1893 fuels Populists Jacob Coxey Eugene Debs

14 Golden McKinley v. Silver Bryan
Rep = McKinley Gold standard Dem = Bryan free silver First election to pit privileged v. underprivileged

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