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M. Albani, P. Mougnaud, A. Della Vecchia (ESA)

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Presentation on theme: "M. Albani, P. Mougnaud, A. Della Vecchia (ESA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Albani, P. Mougnaud, A. Della Vecchia (ESA)
FedEO CEOS WGISS Meeting #42 M. Albani, P. Mougnaud, A. Della Vecchia (ESA) Y. Coene (Spacebel) WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

2 Outline Ongoing activities Catalog and data access Metrics
eoPortal client update Service monitoring Other Catalog and data access OceanSat SMOS PEPS Metrics WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

3 eoPortal Client Being redesigned
Prototyping underway Current version ( >> << Expected Q (v1) Q (v2) WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

4 eoPortal Client Main changes:
Restyling, e.g. CNES MapShup, DHUS, … responsive, flat(ter) design… Suitable for discovery, download and ordering Autocomplete based on OSDD info Platforms Organisations Metrics portlet Download granule/collection metadata in various formats WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

5 Service Monitoring Objectives:
Online tools for administrator to monitor service backends. Include service info in dataset series search responses (Atom) to be exploited by the FedEO clients: Provide status info to client to allow decision client-side WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

6 Service Monitoring - Console
WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

7 Service Monitoring - Console
WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

8 Service Monitoring - Response
Example of response using Data Quality Vocabulary in catalog response (Collection search) WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

9 W3C Data Quality Vocabulary
Data on the Web Best Practices: Data Quality Vocabulary WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

10 Other on-going work Evolution of standards:
Align with OGC r8 a.o. media types Allow client to select either gmd: and gmi: output Make OGC r4 default EOP O&M metadata format. Allow obtaining metadata from Gateway and Client in: ISO MENDS, ISO , .. Enable alternative and Linked Data response formats as being deployed on OBEOS Gateway server: JSON-LD (OGC ) XML/RDF (OGC ) Turtle (OGC ) HTML + annotations WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

11 Alternative response formats
OGC r1 O&M – XML Implementation OGC r4 EOP O&M implements models models OGC JSON Encoding for O&M W3C RDF 1.1 Abstract Syntax OGC EO Metadata Discovery w Linked Data implements uses implements uses implements ECMA-404 JSON Data Interchange Format W3C JSON-LD 1.0 W3C RDF 1.1 XML Syntax W3C RDF 1.1 Turtle implements WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

12 Alternative response formats
Alternative response formats (+resource extension+content negotiation) deployed on dedicated Test Server: OSDD: (Classic) (REST) Examples Series: Examples Datasets: WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

13 Outline Ongoing activities Catalog and data access Metrics
eoPortal client update Service monitoring Other Catalog and data access OceanSat SMOS PEPS Metrics WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

14 Catalog and data access
Metrics in auto-generated Excel spreadsheet… Recently updated or added. WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

15 OceanSat-2 (Collections)
3 collections (ESA LDS) Collections are tagged with "ESA LDS" Keyword WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

16 OceanSat-2 (Collections)
Annotations in ISO metadata as per OGC r2 refer to NASA GCMD (SKOS), GEMET and other thesauri WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

17 OceanSat-2 (Granules) WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

18 SMOS_Open (Collections)
1 collection (ESA OADS) Collections are tagged with "ESA OADS" Keyword WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

19 SMOS_Open (Granules) WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

20 CNES PEPS (Collections)
Collections are tagged with "PEPS" Keyword WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

21 CNES PEPS (Collections)
WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

22 CNES PEPS (Granules) WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

23 Search by "Organisation" (list discovered from OSDD)
SSARA (Collections) Reorganised as 11+1 collections (was 1) Search by "Organisation" (list discovered from OSDD) WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

24 SSARA (Collections) WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

25 ESA CDS (Collections) – Proba-V
Increased from 61 to 111 collections, e.g. Proba-V was added. To be completed … WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

26 ESA CDS (Granules) – Proba-V
Synthesis products…. WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

27 ESA CDS (Granules) – Proba-V
And Physical products… WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

28 ESA CDS (Granules) – Proba-V
WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

29 ROSCOSMOS (Collections)
Reorganised as 28+1 collections (was 1) WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

30 Outline Ongoing activities Catalog and data access Conclusion
eoPortal client update Service monitoring Other Catalog and data access OceanSat SMOS PEPS Conclusion Metrics WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

31 WGISS#42 Collections accessible through FedEO (8/2016) Notes:
I15 EP protocol no longer used CWIC counted twice. ESA M2CS temporary disabled. WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

32 Metrics evolution Harmonisation Collection Metadata format (OGC r1) Harmonisation Product Metadata format (OGC r4) WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

33 Metrics Two STEP search:
Local FedEO Collection Catalog is now OpenSearch (SolR-based) replacing I15 EP. WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

34 Metrics Collections per endpoint Recently updated or added.
WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

35 FedEO on WGISS Web Site and contacts
Contacts at ESA: FedEO Operations Team: FedEO Population/Tests: FedEO Evolutions: Coordination and international cooperation: WGISS#42 | FedEO | Frascati | 21 September 2016

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