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ESCAP/WHO Field Results on

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1 ESCAP/WHO Field Results on
Vision Wei Liu Session 3, Sixth Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, Kampala, Oct 10-13, 2006

2 Questions W1 Do you have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses?
B1.6 How much difficulty did you have in seeing and recognizing a person you know across the road? (take into account eye glasses, if you wear them) B1.7 How much difficulty did you have in seeing and recognizing an object at arm’s length or in reading? (take into account eye glasses, if you wear them)

3 Sensitivity and Specificity

4 Sensitivity by Age

5 Specificity by Age

6 Sensitivity by Country

7 Specificity by Country

8 Endorsement Rates (any difficulty with vision)

9 Endorsement Rates by Country

10 Spearman Rank Correlation

11 Correlation between Vision Questions and Life Activities Questions

12 Correspondence Analysis between W1 and B1.6

13 Correspondence Analysis between W1 and B1.6 (cont.)

14 Correspondence Analysis between W1 and B1.7

15 Correspondence Analysis between W1 and B1.7 (cont.)

16 Results Summary World Health Survey Questions on vision that included thresholds were more sensitive In general, WG Q showed good specificity but low sensitivity WG Q indicated higher sensitivity and lower specificity among older age groups

17 Results Summary (cont.)
Philippines has lowest sensitivity and Indonesia has lowest specificity W1 is significantly and moderately correlated with B1.6 and B1.7.

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