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The LHCb VELO and its use in the trigger

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1 The LHCb VELO and its use in the trigger
Thomas Ruf Vertex September 2001 Introduction Silicon R&D Second Level trigger Pile up VETO trigger

2 Introduction VErtex LOcator of the LHCb experiment
LHCb: Systematic studies of CP in the beauty sector by measuring particle - antiparticle time dependent decay rate asymmetries. LHCb requires: Reconstruction of pp-interaction point Reconstruction of decay vertex of beauty and charm hadrons Standalone and fast track reconstruction in second Level trigger (L1)

3 VELO Overview Vacuum Vessel ~1 m Introduction
 silicon sensors are placed in vacuum Vacuum Vessel Precise vertexing requires, to be: as close as possible to the decay vertices with a minimum amount of material between the first measured point and the vertex Number of silicon sensors: 104 Area of silicon: m2 Number of channels: ,800 ~1 m

4 VELO Setup One detector half: p p forward Introduction
Positioning and number of stations is defined by the LHCb forward angular coverage of 15mrad <  < 390mrad together with the inner/outer sensor dimensions Also need to account for spread of interaction region: s = 5.3 cm partial backward coverage for improved primary vertex measurement One detector half: Interaction region p p forward Final configuration: 25 stations 1 station = 2 modules (left and right) 1 module = 2 sensors

5 Introduction Radiation Sensors have to work in a harsh radiation environment: max. fluences: x x 1014 neq / cm2 / year N*r-a a = 1.6  2.1 neq = damage in silicon equivalent to neutrons of 1 MeV kinetic energy

6 Introduction Sensor Design Azimuthal symmetry of the events suggests sensors which measure f and R coordinates. Advantages of Rf geometry: Resolution: Smallest strip pitch where it is needed, optimizing costs/resolution. Radiation: Short strips, low noise, (strixels, 40mm x 6283mm) close to beam L1: Segmented R-sensor (45o) information is enough for primary vertex reconstruction and impact parameter measurement. Inner radius is defined by the closest possible approach of any material to the beam: 8 mm (sensitive area)  LHC machine Outer radius is constrained by the practical wafer size: 42 mm

7 Sensor Design Strips are readout by using a double metal layer
Introduction Sensor Design Strips are readout by using a double metal layer Analog readout for better hit resolution and monitoring 2048 strips / sensor  16 FE chips

8 Silicon R&D Tested Prototypes VELO Design Challenges
Varying strip lengths Double metal layer Regions of fine pitch Large and non-uniform irradiation VELO Technology Choices Thickness Oxygenation Cryogenic Operation Segmentation p or n strips ? Tested Prototypes Double sided DELPHI sensor thickness: 310 m

9 Silicon R&D Tested Prototypes VELO Design Challenges
Varying strip lengths Double metal layer Regions of fine pitch Large and non-uniform irradiation VELO Technology Choices Thickness Oxygenation Cryogenic Operation Segmentation p or n strips ? Tested Prototypes Hamamatsu n-on-n thickness: 300 m

10 Silicon R&D Tested Prototypes VELO Design Challenges
Varying strip lengths Double metal layer Regions of fine pitch Large and non-uniform irradiation VELO Technology Options Thickness Oxygenation Cryogenic Operation Segmentation p or n strips ? Tested Prototypes MICRON p-on-n thickness: 200/300 m

11 Results about irradiated sensors
Silicon R&D R&D Results ~5% of VELO sensors tested with beam First confrontation with alignment issues 40MHz readout chip SCT128A Resolution vs angle and pitch See talk of M. Charles Best resolution: 3.6 m Trigger performance simulation lhcb-vd/TDR/TDR_link.htm May 2001 Results about irradiated sensors

12 Sensor readout with 25ns electronics (SCT128A)
Silicon R&D n-on-n Prototypes Variable irradiation with 24 GeV protons at the CERN-PS Sensor readout with 25ns electronics (SCT128A) Repeater card S/N = 21.5 3-chip hybrids Most irradiated region corresponds to 2 years of LHCb operation for the innermost sensor part. Temperature probes

13 Silicon R&D p-on-n Prototypes After irradiation, silicon needs to be fully depleted, otherwise: Resolution degrades Charge Collection Efficiency Resolution [mm]

14 Silicon R&D p-on-n Prototypes After irradiation, silicon needs to be fully depleted, otherwise: Charge is lost to double metal layer 2nd metal layer Size of boxes proportional to CCE

15 VELO Technology Choices
Silicon R&D VELO Technology Choices n-strips, safest solution, sensors can be operated underdepleted Thickness = 300 m, OK for radiation hardness and material budget Oxygenation: nice to have, but not mandatory, less of interest for p-on-n Fully depleted for >2 years, Ubias < 400 V Prototype n-on-n sensors even for 4 years With n-on-n, can accept 40% under-depletion  extending the lifetime even further Operation model: 100 days constant fluence, T=-50C 14 days at +22oC Prototype n-on-n sensors behaved much better than expected for “standard” silicon

16 LHCb Trigger System Data is kept in analog/digital pipelines L0: look for high pt particles hadron (HCAL), muon (MUON) or electron (ECAL) pile up VETO 40 MHz  1 MHz Fixed latency: 4.0 ms p L1: vertex trigger 1 MHz  40 kHz L1 buffer = 1927 events L0 YES: Data is digitized, but stays in memory of individual detector electronics L1 YES: Digitized data is read-out, event building  CPU farm L2: refined vertex trigger 40 kHz  kHz L3: online event selection 5 kHz  200 Hz

17 L1 (Vertex) Trigger Input rate: 1 MHz Output rate: 40 kHz
LHCb Trigger L1 (Vertex) Trigger Input rate: MHz Output rate: 40 kHz Maximum latency: ~2 ms Purpose: Select events with detached secondary vertices Needs: Standalone tracking and vertex reconstruction ~ 1.5 tracks in the seeding region (innermost 450 sectors of R-sensors)  track reconstruction is straightforward Occupancy < 1% per channel

18 Algorithm 2d track reconstruction using only R-hits Primary vertex:
L1 Vertex Trigger Algorithm r 2d track reconstruction using only R-hits Efficiency: 98% z triplets Primary vertex: Histogram of 2-track crossings  z F-segmentation  x,y sz,y  70 mm sx,y  20 mm Impact Parameter Reject events with multiple interactions Test beam 3d reconstruction for tracks with large impact parameter Efficiency: 95% Search for 2 tracks close in space Calculate probability to be a non b-event based on impact parameter and geometry

19 Implementation Basic Idea: 150-250 processors SWITCH CPU farm
L1 Vertex Trigger Implementation Readout Unit processors Basic Idea: SWITCH CPU farm Digitizer Board: zero-suppression, common mode correction, cluster finding 1 MHz x100 x24 2d torus topology based on SCI shared memory Challenge: 4 Gb/s and small event fragments of ~170bytes 680 Mb/s, limited by number of senders

20 Execution Time of Algorithm
L1 Vertex Trigger Execution Time of Algorithm 450 MHz Pentium III running Windows NT Bp+p- Minimum bias L1 latency Expect CPU’s to be 10 times faster in 2005

21 Minimum bias retension
L1 Vertex Trigger Physics Performance Technical Proposal With new Event Generator, performance degraded by a factor of 2 ! Minimum bias retension Main limitations: No momentum information significance of impact parameter No particle ID Working point 40kHz Signal efficiency Link L0 objects: large pt (e, m, h) with VELO tracks. Investigate effect of possible momentum information. Recent developments:

22 Super Level 1 Example: Matching with HCAL clusters
L1 Trigger New ideas Super Level 1 matching efficiency Bp+p : 78% for one p BJ/y(mm)Ks: 96% for one m HCAL MUON ECAL Example: Matching with HCAL clusters B dl = 4 Tm, pt kick = 1.2 GeV/c New Bp+p- BJ/y(mm)Ks Bp+p- TP BJ/y(mm)Ks L1 rate In general, gain back factor 2, in some channels even more.

23 Mini Level 1 For final answer: See Trigger TDR in 2002
L1 Trigger New ideas Mini Level 1 Silicon tracking station 30% additional data to be send to L1 farm momentum resolution: s(pt)/pt  20%  B0s  Ds-(K+K--) K+  B0d  +- For final answer: See Trigger TDR in 2002

24 LHCb chooses luminosity for maximum number of single interactions
LHCb Trigger L0 Pile Up VETO Input rate: MHz Output rate: 1 MHz Latency: ms Purpose: Remove events with multiple interactions. Why ? Multiple interactions are more difficult to reconstruct (specially for L1) and fill bandwidth of L0 (~ 2x probability to pass L0). b-event rate: 25kHz Number of inelastic interactions/bunch crossing as a function of luminosity LHCb chooses luminosity for maximum number of single interactions Cross-section Luminosity Bunch crossing frequency  30 MHz with At L=2x1032cm-2s-1: P>1/ P1  24% b-events: P>1/ P1  41%

25 Concept ZB ZA RB RA ZPV 2 silicon R-stations upstream of VELO B A
L0 Pile Up VETO Concept RB [cm] RA [cm] True combinations All combinations ZPV [cm] ZB ZA RB RA ZPV 2 silicon R-stations upstream of VELO B A If hits are from the same track:  ZPV mask hits belonging to P1 search next highest peak P2 (peak size S2) classify: if S2<Slimit then single, else multiple build a ZPV histogram search highest peak P1

26 Implementation 2 R-stations upstream of the VELO
L0 Pile Up VETO Implementation 2 R-stations upstream of the VELO OR of 4 channels, binary readout, 80Mbit LVDS, 512 lines Frontend chip: BEETLE running in comparator mode Large FPGA: >350k gates and >600 I/O pins. Candidates: Altera EP20K400, XILINX XC4000, … Performance: Gain of 30-40% of single bb-events at optimal luminosity

27 Summary Technical Design Report of the LHCb VErtex LOcator is completed: n-on-n silicon strip sensors are the baseline. Prototyping with different companies continues. The VELO plays an important role in the second level trigger: Standalone track finding, primary vertex reconstruction, impact parameter determination Silicon sensors are also used in the first level trigger for a fast determination of the number of interactions.

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