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What key events and people lead to the success/failure of Georgia as a colony? SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.

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Presentation on theme: "What key events and people lead to the success/failure of Georgia as a colony? SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history."— Presentation transcript:

1 What key events and people lead to the success/failure of Georgia as a colony?
SS8H2: The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.

2 Step 1: The Background Essay
Read the Background Essay Highlight the sentences where you find these words: Buffer Charter Charity Paternalistic Fortifications

3 Background Questions What were some of the motivating factors behind the creation of the Georgia Colony?

4 Background Questions Who were some of the potential enemies that posed a threat to Georgia and the Carolinas?

5 Background Questions What restrictions were placed upon the colonists who had received charity?

6 Background Questions What were some of the policies that upset the colonists?

7 Primary vs Secondary Sources

8 Document A: Trustee Georgia 1732 - 1752
Read the article and complete the Document Analysis Sheet.

9 Identify the 3 reasons that the colony of Georgia was established.

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