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Resistors in Parallel R1 R2 i ε.

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Presentation on theme: "Resistors in Parallel R1 R2 i ε."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resistors in Parallel R1 R2 i ε

2 Another example (with parallel R combos)
Sketch the diagram Simplify using equivalent resistors Label currents with directions Use Junction Rule in labeling Choose independent loops Use Loop Rule Solve simultaneous linear equations I1 Replace by equivalent R=2Ω first. I3 = I1 + I2

3 Loop current example (with parallel R combos)
Sketch the diagram Simplify using equivalent resistors Label loop currents with directions Use Loop currents I1 and I2 Choose interior clockwise loops . Set up cononical equations in . I1 I Ε format I1 -I2 Replace by equivalent R=2Ω first. I1 (12 +6) +I2 (-6) = +18 (Emf) Left loop I1 (-6) + I2 (6+3+2) =+21 (Emf) Right loop Note Symmetry of Equations

4 Finding Potential and Power in a Circuit
But what is I? Must solve for I first! supplied by 12V battery Just means 0 V here dissipated by resistors The rest? into 4V battery (charging)

5 Ammeter and Voltmeter Ammeter: an instrument used to measure currents
It must be connected in series. The internal resistance of an ammeter must be kept as small as possible. Voltmeter: an instrument used to measure potential differences It must be connected in parallel. The internal resistance of a voltmeter must be made as large as possible.

6 Galvanometer Inside Ammeter and Voltmeter
Galvanometer: a device that detects small currents and indicates its magnitude. Its own resistance Rg is small for not disturbing what is being measured. shunt resistor galvanometer Ammeter: an instrument used to measure currents Voltmeter: an instrument used to measure potential differences galvanometer

7 Reading quiz 1 Consider the charging of a capacitor C by battery with emf E through an external resistor R. The final charge of the capacitor is QF. Which of the following statements is incorrect? A| The energy delivered by the battery is E QF . B| The energy stored in the capacitor 1/2 QF 2 /C. C| The energy dissipated in the resistor is EQF /2. D| The fraction of the energy delivered by the battery depends the value of the resistor R.

8 Capacitor in RC Circuits
charging I discharging ε Switch closed at t=0. C initially charged, thus V0 = Q0/C across C and I0 = V0/R initially. Switch closed at t=0. C initially uncharged, thus V0 = 0 across C and I0 = ε/R initially. After a long time, C is fully charged and VC = ε across C and I0 = 0. After a long time, C is fully discharged and VC = 0 across C and I∞ = 0. time constant

9 Discharging a Capacitor in RC Circuits
Switch closed at t=0. Initially C is fully charged with Q0 Loop Rule: I Convert to a differential equation Solve it!

10 Q(t) during Discharging
time constant

11 Current I(t) during Discharging

12 Warm-up quiz 2 What’s the time constant in the following circuits. All resistors have the same resistance R, all capacitors have the same capacitance C. 3/5RC 2RC RC 4/9RC 6/4RC

13 Charging a Capacitor in RC Circuits
Switch closed at t=0 C initially uncharged, thus zero voltage across C. Loop Rule: 3. Convert to a differential equation Solve it! (τ=RC is the time constant again)

14 Charge Q(t) during Charging
time constant

15 Current I(t) during Charging

16 Broken circuit = RC 110V C very small. i.e. RC very small. Instantly discharged

17 Behavior of Capacitors
Charging Initially, the capacitor behaves like a wire. After a long time, the capacitor behaves like an open switch. Discharging Initially, the capacitor behaves like a battery. After a long time, the capacitor behaves like an open switch



20 Energy Conservation in Discharging a Capacitor
Energy lost by C Power dissipated by R

21 Energy Conservation in Charging a Capacitor
Work done by battery Energy stored in C Power dissipated by R The rest? Independent of R What if R=∞ ? What if R=0 ?

22 PHYS :30 Quiz 3 All the capacitors below are identical and so are all the resistors. Which circuit have the shortest time constant? B A C E D

23 PHYS241 – 11:30 Quiz 3 All the capacitors below are identical and so are all the resistors. Which circuit have the longest time constant? C A B D E

24 PHYS241 - Quiz 12c All the capacitors below are identical and so are all the resistors. Which circuit have the shortest time constant? C A B D E

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