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Heart rate increases when we suffer stage fright.

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Presentation on theme: "Heart rate increases when we suffer stage fright."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heart rate increases when we suffer stage fright.

2 Personal bias enhances your ability to listen.
True False

3 Social distance is reserved for strangers.
True false

4 For many speakers the conclusion is the toughest part of the speech.
True false

5 Audiences are likely to be impressed if you quote impressive sources.
True False

6 Impromptu speeches call for quick minds and instant aud. Analysis.
True false

7 Vocalized pauses, ums, uhs, tend to distract the audience.
True false

8 A notecard is often used in extemporaneous speaking .
True false

9 Diagrams are useful to explain a process.
True false

10 Just one type of appeal is good in a persuasive speech.
True false

11 Over 30% of students lack? A. Study and organization B. Vocal skills
C. Outlining skills D. Ability to reason well

12 Which is NOT a delivery method?
Impromptu Memorized Notecard manuscript

13 The average rate of speaking is:
A wpm B wpm C wpm D wpm

14 Which does NOT limit a subject:
Time Space Extent monotone

15 Handshake is: A. A way to great someone
B. The most polite greeting of all C. The “bubble” we walk around in D. Signals interest in another

16 Smiles are: A. Most polite greeting of all B. A sign of deception
C. Genuine ones make eyes crinkle D. None of the above

17 A bow: A. Most polite greeting of all B. A sign of deception
C. Pitch or timbre of one’s voice D. None of the above

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