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HIV Exposed Uninfected (HEU) Child Workshops

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Presentation on theme: "HIV Exposed Uninfected (HEU) Child Workshops"— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV Exposed Uninfected (HEU) Child Workshops
3rd HEU Workshop, July 2017, Paris Amy Slogrove

2 1st Workshop Vancouver 50 IAS 2015 3rd Workshop Paris IAS 2017
Sarah Rowland-Jones Tessa Goetghebuer Tobi Kollmann 1st Workshop – 50 clinicians and researchers 2nd Workshop – 75 3rd Workshop Including community advocates and women and families affected by HIV 2nd Workshop Durban AIDS 2016 Mark Cotton Mo Archary 75

3 Annual incidence of HIV & ARV-exposure
1.4 million Pregnant women living with HIV UNAIDS-SPECTRUM 2016

4 Prevalence of hiv & ARV-exposure
2015 7.1 million HEU under 5 year olds 5.6 million also ARV-exposed

5 mortality in heu compared to HIV-unexposed children
3 Systematic reviews & meta-analyses of mortality in HEU compared to HIV unexposed children: Arikawa, TMIH 2016 Brennan, AIDS 2016 Le Roux, TMIH 2016 HEU children have a % increased risk of mortality in the first 2 years of life compared to HIV-unexposed children

6 PMTCT F2 Promoting the health of Mothers and Their Children Together
with the support of Families & Fathers Clearly a committed community concerned about the well-being of HIV-exposed uninfected children Opportunity for a conversation with each other, time and space to put our heads together All children are vulnerable irrespective of HIV-exposure Raise awareness, advocate, collaborate

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