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How should the 1918 Revolution be remembered?

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Presentation on theme: "How should the 1918 Revolution be remembered?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How should the 1918 Revolution be remembered?
How could it be remembered? Which interpretation do you think is most valid? Revolution from above Revolution from below A failed revolution

2 Very valid/quite valid/not very valid because.....
Interpretation of Revolution Evidence to support it How valid to believe this interpretation is and why? (fill this column in last) Above General recommended the armistice and civilian government in September. Prince Baden. Based on support of the Reichstag. Prince Baden initially leads it. Ebert – established elite Ludendorff recommended the Kaiser should abdicate. Groener – Ebert pact, pact from above. Very valid/quite valid/not very valid because..... Below SPD leader Ebert. Responding to pressure from below, e.g. The Kaiser abdicated because he was worried for his safety/position. Introducing more democracy in response to pressure from below from the uprisings (e.g. Kiel mutiny) Limited Revolution - Successful -real change, communism, socialism, strong democracy. Failed to achieve a l/w revolution. Ebert-Groener pact and Ebert’s decisions limit a l/w revolution. Fragmented l/w.

3 C aim –give reasons why the revolution occurred, what happened in it, and the different ways it could be remembered B aim – Why did the 1918 Revolution occur? What happened in it? What different interpretations of it are there? A/A* aim - Why did the 1918 Revolution occur? What happened in it? Which interpretation is the most convincing?

4 Homework – due Tuesday 16th December
Was the 1918 Revolution a failed revolution? Research one of.... The Spartakist Uprising The Kapp Putsch The assassination of Walter Rathenau Left-wing uprisings including Ruhr Army, Merseburg uprising, 1923 strike wave, Hamburg uprising Answer... What happened in the uprising? What does it show you about early Weimar Germany? Was it an uprising that seriously threatened Germany?

5 B question feedback PPEs first week back

6 How secure was the new government
How secure was the new government? C aim – to explain how serious the different threats were and reach an overview B aim – to explain how serious the threats were to the Reichstag and suggest why this was the case A/A* aim – to assess how secure the new regime was and explain why it was like this Initial thoughts? Ways the new government wasn’t secure Ways the new government was secure

7 The Left

8 The Bavarian Republic Write down three facts about the Republic.
In what ways was it a serious threat? In what ways was it not a serious threat? How serious a threat was it?

9 Spartakist Uprising Write down three facts about the Uprising.
In what ways was it a serious threat? In what ways was it not a serious threat? How serious a threat was it?

10 Write down three facts about the other uprisings.
Left-wing uprisings including Ruhr Army, Merseburg uprising, 1923 strike wave, Hamburg uprising Write down three facts about the other uprisings. In what ways was it a serious threat? In what ways was it not a serious threat? How serious a threat was it?

11 How serious a threat were the challenges from the left?

12 The Right

13 Right overthrow the Bavarian Republic
Write down three facts about the right here. In what ways was it a serious threat? In what ways was it not a serious threat? How serious a threat was it?

14 Kapp Putsch Write down three facts about the right here.
In what ways was it a serious threat? In what ways was it not a serious threat? How serious a threat was it?

15 Assassination of Walter Rathenau
Write down three facts about the right here. In what ways was it a serious threat? In what ways was it not a serious threat? How serious a threat was it?

16 How serious a threat was opposition from the right?

17 How secure was the new regime?
Add the 6 points on to the opinion line Form an overall judgement Not Very Secure Very Secure Why do you believe the regime is as secure or insecure as it was? Include information about the uprisings and the new regime in your answer.

18 How secure was the new regime
How secure was the new regime? C aim – to explain how serious the different threats were and reach an overview B aim – to explain how serious the threats were to the Reichstag and suggest why this was the case A/A* aim – to assess how secure the new regime was and explain why it was like this Initial thoughts? Ways the regime wasn’t secure Ways the regime was secure

19 Homework – due Thursday
Produce a revision hand-out for one of these areas and answer the question. Print or photocopy enough copies for everybody. Bulow How democratic was Germany in Bulow’s Chancellorship? Bethmann-Hollweg How far was Germany controlled by the elites during Bethmann-Hollweg’s Chancellorship? Weltpolitik How far did the masses influence the policy of Weltpolitik? Constitution and the Kaiser’s power Was the Kaiser’s power absolute? Apart from Roua, redo your assessment please!

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