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OT Messianic Prophecy Gen. 3:15 proto-evangelium: Woman’s seed crush the head of serpent Gen. 12:3: all nations blessed through our father.

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Presentation on theme: "OT Messianic Prophecy Gen. 3:15 proto-evangelium: Woman’s seed crush the head of serpent Gen. 12:3: all nations blessed through our father."— Presentation transcript:

1 OT Messianic Prophecy Gen. 3:15 proto-evangelium: Woman’s seed crush the head of serpent Gen. 12:3: all nations blessed through our father Abraham 2 Sam. 7:14 Messiah to be a son of David and an everlasting kingdom—God will build him a house; Messiah ben David

2 Messiah as fulfillment of prophecy
Isa. 7:14 virgin with child…Immanuel Isa. 9:1-2, [Galilee]; 6-7 unto us a child is born…mighty God, Micah 5:2 born in Bethlehem…out of you a ruler Zech 9:9 entering Jerusalem on a donkey Psalmic foreshadowing: Ps. 22:1 “My God, My God why have you forsaken me…” Malachi 4:5 OT ends--Elijah coming before

3 Messiah as Suffering Servant: Messiah ben Joseph
Isa. 53:3 despised and rejected suffering servant Isa. 53:7 silence Isa. 53:9 criminalize yet rich in death Pierced and beaten Isa 53:5f –substitutionary atonement

4 Major OT lessons God is dynamic, moving history, engaging in people’s lives, moving things to His ends. People have a choice on how they respond to good & evil, choices matter Sin – consequences; redemptive activity: evil good Prophecy  Fulfillment: God’s caring control

5 Major OT lessons (cont)
God’s grace on those who repent: David, Ahab Wesley: best of all Immanuel – “God with us” big theme (Isa. 7:14)

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