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Developing resources Janet Flint, Health Education England

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Presentation on theme: "Developing resources Janet Flint, Health Education England"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing resources Janet Flint, Health Education England
Ruth Carlyle, Health Education England Janet

2 Why develop resources? Embedding health literacy into professional development Core tools for ongoing use National partnership development for local adaptation Janet

3 How were they developed?
Drawing on learning from East Midlands Drawing on knowledge from within partner organisations Identification of existing high-quality resources with a good evidence base Workshop discussions Janet

4 What do they cover? Business case: rationale for undertaking health literacy interventions Health literacy awareness workshop lesson plan and accompanying slides: tools for half day session Case studies: impact and outcomes from demonstrator site, East Midlands Health literacy ‘how to’ guide: practical tools and techniques to support people with low levels of health literacy Janet

5 Accessing the resources
[or search for “HEE health literacy toolkit”] Have you already seen these resources? Janet

6 Business case Rationale for business case Project definition (purpose)
Strategic drivers Project objectives Project deliverables Scope Governance Risk Assessment Ruth

7 Workshop tools Sample session plan Slide set Exercises Ruth

8 Case studies Range experiences from East Midlands demonstrator site

9 “How to” Guide Definitions General communication Verbal communication
Written communication: Style Design Print Pictures, photographs and symbols Ruth – have a look at these at your tables Guide brings together access to a wide range of freely-available resources

10 Using “How to” Guide Evidence on health literacy Links to resources
Links to tools Guidance on when tools are applicable Tips on how to make the best use of tools and resources Ruth – table discussions – who would value? How use? How spread?

11 Reminder: Accessing the resources
[or search for “HEE health literacy toolkit”] Ruth

Thank you

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