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Development of production routines for Crime & Criminal justice statistics Arsela Sturc SOGETI.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of production routines for Crime & Criminal justice statistics Arsela Sturc SOGETI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of production routines for Crime & Criminal justice statistics
Arsela Sturc SOGETI

2 Content Internalisation of crime and criminal justice statistics
Planned activities for 2018 Metadata: Collection reference year 2016 Areas for improvements Validation Dissemination of metadata Conclusions

3 Internalisation of Crime statistics (as of April 2018)
National data transmission to Eurostat Data validation EDAMIS EUROSTAT F.4 Data dissemination In EUROBASE Automatic SOGETI

(EDAMIS) DATA & METADATA DISSEMINATION (EUROBASE) Regardless of statistical domain, data have to arrive via EDAMIS. Eurostat validates the data. Data & metadata dissemination is via EUROBASE. This is a generalised and simplified scheme, each domain implements various modalities, due to legal framework, historical evolution and specificities of data collection.

5 National data transmission to Eurostat
Semi-Automatic Automatic EDAMIS EDIT Database system Improving efficiency of data production processes Doing more with less resources: to be able to treat more countries or more data with the same number of people Higher data quality, due to harmonised validations EDIT: tool for data validation – basic sums, bigger or smaller than, men+woman = total … Database: time series, data revisions MDT, COMEXT, FAME, … That why it's important to have a static questionnaire , not to change every year because it mean more work and adaptations on the programs on Eurostat tools ..the hope process needs to be adapted EUROBASE examples of automated production systems

6 Planned activities for 2018
To be able to finished the validation of all data and metadata internally within Eurostat To update : Crime EUROBASE during summer Quality report Metadata for crime Statistical Explained articles on crime Methodological user guide To analyse internal production chain and propose improvement  we will inform you if any change has impact on you To follow up the implementation of ICCS

7 We have received 38 out of 41 metadata files
Missing countries are : Belgium, Italy and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Last year we had 2 questionnaires (UNODC and Eurostat) where metadata was integrated inside the questionnaires This year we have 1 data questionnaire for both and one metadata file more detailed and structured, divided into 8 sections We are developing new system in-house of extracting and validating the metadata files Thank you for sending the Metadata questionnaires

8 METADATA FILE for data collection cycle 2017

9 Data and Metadata Collection
68% data received 37% data received

10 Metadata – Areas for improvements
Different language used in the metadata file ∆ Please send the questionnaires via EDAMIS in English. Without 'Eurostat' sheet ∆ Please use the same questionnaires that Eurostat is sending by in the beginning, when the data is lunched. Named wrong and mixed with data files name ∆ Please check if the file is metadata and name it properly and select the correct EDAMIS dataset. Information provided by countries was filled in the wrong cells causing troubles during validation. ∆ Please use the proper indicated cells for providing the answers or comments.

11 Metadata – validations
All the metadata files sent by countries are validated 32 countries will need to recheck some small issues relating on metadata file Partially filled , or empty sheets ∆ Please check if all the sheets are filled before sending . If not please provide a comment or information the reason why is not filled. Extent of missing metadata different from last year : Uncertain counting rules Stage of data collections Coverage that were reported Adult/Juvenile age thresholds All countries are validated and soon and they will receive an for those who need to clarify some issues as it is shown in the presentation.

12 Dissemination of metadata
Last year specific differences in coverage and methodological rules were found in the Eurostat document 'Crime and Criminal Justice Reference Metadata at Country Level‘ ( This year we will produce 3 new metadata files and 1 will be updated M M M M

13 Reporting countries are invited to:
Comment on the extent to which the missing information referred to metadata by country could be improved. Provide answers to the questions that will be sent by (validation of metadata) Any other suggestion for further improvements

14 From April 1st , please send all s about ongoing data collections to:

15 Thank you for your attention !

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