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“sin2f1” measurement with bs penguin decays at Belle

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1 “sin2f1” measurement with bs penguin decays at Belle
Koji Hara (Nagoya University) for the Belle Collaboration

2 Measurement of time-dependent CP violation (tCPV) in B0h’K0
Introduction Measurement of time-dependent CP violation (tCPV) in B0h’K0 tCPV result for B0KSp0 2018/12/8

3 Introduction J/ B0 B0 K0 K0 tCPV measurements in B0 decays /
b→ccs tree b→sqq penguin _ d b c s w d b _ _ w J/ s η’,φ… B0 t g B0 s _ K0 s K0 Check if d S=sin21 , A ~ 0 / “sin21” ≡-ξfS= sin21, A ~ 0 Extra CPV phase “sin2φ1“≠sin2φ1 Hint of New Physics SM Anchor

4 SM Contamination It is essential to estimate possible deviation from sin2f1within the SM to claim new physics. bu Tree contamination Final state rescattering T’ P 2 P’ T 4 color-allowed +1 KsKsKs 1 Ks P’ T P T’  Ks Ks  f0Ks Ks ~+1 K+KKs CP mode color-suppresed _ sdd penguin _ sss penguin 2018/12/8

5 Theoretical Estimation
h’K0, fK0, KSKSKS are the “Golden modes” with the smallest expected difference from sin2f1 in SM Expected differences are mostly positive. For example, [Chua, talk at FPCP06, hep-ph/ ] 2018/12/8

6 2018/12/8

7 New tCPV result for B0h’KS+h’KL

8 Event Selection Dominant Background is e+e-  qq continuum
 Distinguished from signal by the Likelihood Ratio made with event shape variables. Bkg signal Likelihood Ratio Event Shape (Jet-like) (Spherical) 2018/12/8

9 B0h’KS Signal Event-by-event signal fractions extracted from 3D Mbc-DE-LR fit. LR0.5 LR<0.5 LR fs h’ rg Ks(p+p-) 794  36  h(2g)pp Ks(p+p-) 363  21  h(3p)pp Ks(p+p-) 100  11 rg Ks(p0p0) 103  15 h(2g)pp Ks(p0p0) 62  9 Total  46 2018/12/8

10 B0h’KL Signal Signals are extracted from PB*-LR 2D fit
Background subtracted h’h(2g)pp KL 392  37 h(3p)pp KL  13 Total  39 LR PB*(GeV/c) 2018/12/8

11 B0h’K0 Result Consistent with sin2f1
Background subtracted “sin2f1”=  0.10  0.04 A =  0.07  0.05 Consistent with sin2f1 5.6s First observation of tCPV in bsqq penguin good tag 2018/12/8

12 CP Fit Results for B0h’KS, KL
h’KS Background subtracted “sin2f1” good tag h’KL Background subtracted good tag A 2018/12/8 errors are statistical only

13 New tCPV result for B0KSp0

14 tCPV in KSp0 bs penguin dominant mode
S  sin2f1 (Possible deviation within SM ~O(0.1) ) A Member of Kp Family A is important to check the sum rule A(K+p-)+A(K0p+)=A(K+p0)+A(K0p0) No primary tracks from B vertex Vertex reconstruction with KS trajectory [Gronau, Phys. Lett. B627, 82 (2005)] 2018/12/8

15 B0KSp0 Signal LR<0.7 LR0.7 Signal yield: 515  32 2018/12/8

16 Vertex Reconstruction with KS
Ks track p+ p- Extrapolate KS track to the Interaction Point Vertex reconstruction efficiency ~33% Events without the vertex can still be used for A measurement. IP profile BCP vertex The validity is confirmed with the J/yKS as control sample. B0 Lifetime / ps sin2f1=+0.68+/-0.06 J/yKS with the KS Vertexing Raw asymmetry good tag 2018/12/8

17 B0KSp0 tCPV Result “sin2f1”= + 0.33  0.35  0.08
A =  0.14  0.05 Consistent with sin2f1 from bc the sum rule expectation A = -0.150.06 using Belle 532M A, Br and PDG2006 t+/t0 good tag 2018/12/8

18 Summary tCPV in bsqq modes are sensitive to the new physics
“Golden modes” are fK0, h’K0, KSKSKS New Results from Belle with 532 M BB Other tCPV results will be reported in the Plenary Talk by M. Hazumi. B0h’K0 “sin2f1”=  0.10  0.04 A =  0.07  0.05 5.6s tCPV observation B0KSp0 “sin2f1”=  0.35  0.08 A =  0.14  0.05 2018/12/8

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20 B0h’KS DE distribution

21 B0h’KS,h’KL Results “sin2f1”= + 0.67  0.11 A = - 0.03  0.07
2018/12/8 errors are statistical only

22 “sin2f1” A 2018/12/8

23 Systematic Errors h’K0 KSp0 dS dA dS dA
Vertexing Flavor tagging Resolution Physics Possible Fit bias BG fraction BG dt shape Tag-side interference Total 2018/12/8

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