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Indefinite Pronouns.

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Presentation on theme: "Indefinite Pronouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indefinite Pronouns

2 Indefinite Pronouns Use indefinite pronouns to refer to an unknoun
person: somebody or someone Somebody called you last night. thing: something or anything There is something strange going on.

3 To ask questions or make negative sentences about people, use anyone or anybody:
Did anybody call? I didn’t see anybody outside.

4 To ask questions or make negative sentences about things, use anything:
Did you hear anything? They didn’t have anything to say. You can also express negative meaning using: no one / nobody for people No one knows where Karen is. nothing for things There is nothing in the refrigerator. Let’s eat out.

5 Use indefinite pronouns to refer to
all the people: everybody or everyone Everyone was invited to her party but me. all the things: everything Everything is in its place now. Note that we use a singular verb with these indefinite pronouns: something is / everybody was / no one goes...

6 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate indefinite pronoun.
Would you like __________________ to drink? Listen! There is ___________________ at the door. My favorite song is “_______________ hurts” by R.E.M. The song I like most is “_____________ like you” by Adele.

7 e) Jane couldn’t find ___________________ she wanted in the supermarket.
f) Hello? Is ___________________ there? Hello??!! g) Take ___________________ you need, but bring it all back tomorrow. h) Sally told ___________________ about her new job. All her friends were happy for her.

8 i) ___________________ came to pick me up at the station, that’s why I was so late.
j) Can I ask you ___________________? Where did you get this coat?

9 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate pronoun.
Would you like anything to drink? Listen! There is someone/somebody at the door. My favorite song is “Everybody hurts” by R.E.M. The song I like most is “Someone like you” by Adele.

10 e) Jane couldn’t find anything she wanted in the supermarket.
f) Hello? Is anybody/anyone there? Hello??!! g) Take everything you need, but bring it all back tomorrow. h) Sally told everyone/everybody about her new job. All her friends were happy for her.

11 i) No one/Nobody came to pick me up at the station, that’s why I was so late.
j) Can I ask you something? Where did you get this coat?

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