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Run-ons and Comma Splices

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Presentation on theme: "Run-ons and Comma Splices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Run-ons and Comma Splices
© 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

2 What is a run-on? A run-on is two complete sentences (also called independent clauses) joined without any punctuation. Bernard loved his part-time job at the local newspaper there was one problem. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

3 What is a comma splice? A comma splice is two complete sentences (or independent clauses) joined by only a comma. Nearly all the people who worked there had the same habit, it was a habit that had always annoyed Bernard. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

4 How can you identify run-ons and comma splices?
Find each of the independent clauses in a sentence. Check to see how they are joined. Is there any punctuation between them? If not, you may be looking at a run-on. If there is a comma between independent clauses, look for a coordinating conjunction (like and, but, for, so, or, yet). If there is none, you may be looking at a comma splice. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

5 How can you correct run-ons and comma splices?
There are four ways to correct a run-on or a comma splice: Add a period. Add a semicolon. Add a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Add a dependent word. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

6 Add a period: You can split run-ons and comma splices into two separate sentences by adding a period between them. After adding the period, capitalize the letter that begins the new sentence. Reread your new sentences to make sure they each contain a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. Run-on: Each person had a chair next to his or her desk for visitors their visitors were not able to sit in many of those chairs. Corrected: Each person had a chair next to his or her desk for visitors. Their visitors were not able to sit in many of those chairs. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

7 Add a semicolon: A second way to correct run-ons and comma splices is to use a semicolon [;] to join the two sentences. Use a semicolon only when the two sentences express closely related ideas. A semicolon can be used only where a period could also be used; the words on each side of the semicolon must be able to stand alone as a complete sentence. Do not capitalize the word that follows a semicolon unless it is the name of a specific person, place, or thing that is usually capitalized. Run-on: Bernard wanted to break this habit after all, why couldn’t a chair be used as a chair? Corrected: Bernard wanted to break this habit; after all, why couldn’t a chair be used as a chair? © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

8 Add a comma and a coordinating conjunction:
A third way to correct run-ons is to add a comma and a coordinating conjunction: and, but, or, nor, so, for, or yet. Think of a coordinating conjunction as a link that joins independent clauses to form one sentence. A comma splice already has a comma, so you need to add only a conjunction. Before choosing a conjunction, read the independent clauses aloud to see which word best expresses the relationship between them. Comma splice: Eventually, he got to everyone in the office, one by one, the chairs were cleared of clutter. Corrected: Eventually, he got to everyone in the office, and one by one, the chairs were cleared of clutter. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

9 Add a dependent word: A fourth way to correct run-ons and comma splices is to make one of the complete sentences a dependent clause by adding a dependent word, such as after, because, before, if, though, even though, unless, or when. Choose the dependent word (or subordinating conjunction) that best expresses the relationship between the two clauses. Run-on: Sophia thought they got the watchdog their house was robbed recently. Corrected: Sophia thought they got the watchdog because their house was robbed recently. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

10 Use one of the four ways to correct this comma splice:
Anthony was careful with money, his friends weren’t always so financially savvy. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

11 Answer: Though Anthony was careful with money, his friends weren’t always so financially savvy. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

12 Use one of the four ways to correct this comma splice: (continued 1)
Jeffrey always seemed to be asking someone for a loan, Anthony assumed this didn’t embarrass Jeffrey. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

13 Answer: (continued 1) Jeffrey always seemed to be asking someone for a loan, and Anthony assumed this didn’t embarrass Jeffrey. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

14 Use one of the four ways to correct this comma splice: (continued 2)
However, Jeffrey always repaid the money he borrowed from Anthony, he repaid it even after his work promotion fell through. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

15 Answer: (continued 2) However, Jeffrey always repaid the money he borrowed from Anthony; he repaid it even after his work promotion fell through. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

16 Use one of the four ways to correct this comma splice: (continued 3)
Every week, Lenny spent nearly his whole paycheck, he liked to buy things like expensive cameras, fine clothes, and designer shoes. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

17 Answer: (continued 3) Every week, Lenny spent nearly his whole paycheck. He liked to buy things like expensive cameras, fine clothes, and designer shoes. © 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

18 Finding and Fixing Run-Ons
© 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

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