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Comprehensive Assessment Plan

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1 Comprehensive Assessment Plan
Mission: To improve student learning by creating and sustaining a culture of dialogue, reflection and action based on student work.

2 Comprehensive Assessment Plan
Essential Elements Grounded in an ongoing and evolving commitment and curiosity by faculty to student learning Align with college’s mission…”Changing Lives Through Education” Move the college towards the future it envisions Operate within the college’s set of declared values: caring, collaboration, diversity, innovation, integrity and quality

3 Notes From the Field… Successful Assessment = Faculty Engagement and Collaboration Faculty Led Assessment is a Process “Spread Effect” Cultural shift -- Faculty authority, ownership, leadership

4 Comprehensive Assessment Plan
FIG FIG FIG FIG Faculty Inquiry Group (FIG): A temporary coalition of faculty investigating a shared interest around student learning: reflection, dialogue and action FIG Program/Dept. Classroom FIG Assessment Committee FIG Institutional FIG FIG FIG

5 Comprehensive Assessment Plan
Faculty Inquiry Groups collecting and analyzing evidence around student learning and making changes to curriculum at the classroom level. FIG FIG Classroom FIG FIG Examples: 1. Science Lab Project 2 . Assessment Loop Form Debrief Groups

6 Comprehensive Assessment Plan
Faculty Inquiry Groups collecting and analyzing evidence around student learning and making changes to curriculum across a Program or Department. FIG FIG FIG Program/Dept. Examples: History IS Program

7 Comprehensive Assessment Plan
Faculty Inquiry Groups collecting and analyzing evidence (direct and indirect) around student learning across the institution and making recommendations for institutional improvement Examples: Critical Thinking & Writing Rubric Groups Information Literacy & Civic Engagement Assignments Institutional FIG FIG FIG

8 Comprehensive Assessment Plan
FIG FIG FIG Assessment committee serves as a place of convergence where assessment information is discussed and synthesized into recommendations for future actions regarding student learning. Course & Dept. FIG Program Asst. Com. Task Forces Faculty & Liaisons Classroom Program Institutional FIG Assessment Committee FIG Institutional FIG

9 Annual Cycle for Whole College Dialogue
Fall Quarter President’s Day Collaboration Day End of Quarter Reflections Spring Quarter Collaboration Day Making Learning Visible Symposium Winter Quarter Collaboration Day Faculty Retreat End of Quarter Reflections

10 Comprehensive Assessment Plan
Habit of Mind: Reflecting on student learning becomes a part of everything we do FIG FIG FIG FIG FIG Program/Dept. Classroom FIG Questions? Assessment Committee FIG ….the vision is that all faculty eventually become involved in a Faculty Inquiry Group Institutional FIG FIG FIG

11 An Invitation to Create a FIG for Fall 2010
What do you observe about student learning at the classroom, program or institutional level that you are curious or concerned about that might become a possible FIG for next year? Write each idea on a post-it and discuss them at your table.

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